Well, I finally got around to posting a few items in the store last night. I mainly posted some good stuff but I do still have tons of misc odds and ends crap for your chopper project too. Here’s a quick list of some of the random stuff I can pull out of a box and sell you if you need it. Wheels, Drag tires, Bars, front ends, Oil pumps, Helmets, Shirts, Vintage HD leather, Cables, Flywheel, Tanks, Fenders, Primaries, Heads, Pistons, carbs, Headlights, Oil Tanks, whatever. Just email me and Ill follow up with price and availability. Over and Out.

Tags: availability, bars, blog, cables, carbs, chopper, chopper blog, chopper project, crap, drag, fenders, flywheels, for sale, front end, front ends, good stuff, hd, headlight, headlights, heads, helmet, helmets, items, last night, leather, Misc, odds and ends, oil, oil pumps, oil tank, oil tanks, pistons, price, primaries, primary, pump, random stuff, sell, shirts, tanks, tires, vintage, wheels
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November 21, 2011 1:38 pm |
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I met CT a couple years back at the Bearded Lady Motorcycle Show. To put it to you straight… CT is North East. He’s involved in a little bit of everything. CT was part of the the once mighty Track Stars. He’s a regular fixture at Blue Cat. He runs every year at the Salt Flats and CT is one of the guiding forces behind the Bearded Lady. He runs a lot of bikes and is real big into his vintage Italian and Japanese stuff. Especially his Suzuki 2-stroke triples.

CT spends his winters keeping busy in his garage. A couple cans of Hamms, crank the heater, a few touches here and there on the ratrod and the snow keeps falling. Eventually Bearded Lady plans start up as the snow and ice start to melt.

I asked a little more about how that (cycle show) whole thing got started. CT is always quick to pass off the success to his other partners in crime who lend a very large helping hand. In fact, he’s one of the most humble dudes I’ve ever met. “Truth is” he says, “the whole thing was sorta started out of spite.” Apparently, CT and some friends attended a few vintage Japanese bike show years back and unfortunately, the judges never quite knew how to judge their whips. It started to get pretty obvious that there were a lot of custom classics in the Twin Cities in need of an event where they could get a little appreciation. “Fuck it, I’m gonna start my own show for the kind of bikes that deserve it.”

Years later and here we are. The streets have to be shut down. Vendors and sponsors line up in advance and the permits need to be legit. The Lady has really taken on a life of its own. Everybody… and I mean EVERYBODY attends. See you there this July 23rd. Speed Club will be out with booth overhead and beer in hand as usual.
Dig it. Thanks CT.
Tags: bearded lady, bearded lady motorcycle freak show, beer, bike show, bikes, blue cat, booth, busy, cans, classic, crank, crime, CT, cuple, custom, custom classics, dig it, dudes, fact, fuck, garage feature, hamms, hand, help, helping hand, humble, ice, italian, japanese, japanese bike, judges, july 24th 2011, large, legit, little, melt, motorcycle, motorcycle show, NE, nrth east, partners in crime, pass, permits, ratrod, runs, salt flats, shut down, snow, snow and ice, speed club, spite, sponsors, streets, stroke triples, success, suzuki 2-stroke, track stars, triple, truth, twin cities, vintage, vintage italien, whips
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March 10, 2011 7:00 am |
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Vintage ’64 Vespa VNB
Body in Great Shape. Beatles Yellow New paint. Motor rebuilt from split cases up. Nothing overlooked. Everything new. Electronic ignition. Stock 125cc motor w/ newer 3 port 150cc top end. Mikuni Race carb set up. New wire harness which I already routed through out the entire body. All you need to do is reassemble and plug in the stator and reg/rectifier (also new and included) and you’re ready for spring. You name it, I’ve fixed, cleaned or replaced it. Looking for quick cash for yet another project.
Come and get it today for $1200. Easy winter resto project. Hell, I’ll even help you if you want.

Tags: 125, 150, 64, beatles, blog, body, cash, chopper, chopper blog, electronic ignition, hell, mikuni, MN, motor, project, quick sale, reg, sale, shape, stator, vespa, vintage, winter resto, yellow
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January 21, 2011 11:46 am |
Comments (2)
F*ck it. I cant take it anymore. I’m blowin’ the whistle here. What the hell is with all the fashionista, bullshit popping up on every ones cycle blogs lately? Seriously. I don’t give a rats left nut about someones super sweet vintage jeans, denim shirt, doo rags, boots, sunglasses, or what the shit ever else! It’s real simple see. NO FASHION SPREADS ALLOWED on MC SITES! All you’re doing is feeding into a little thing called commercialization. In essence, you’re diluting what could continue to be a great cycle culture.

Okay ~ Okay – I completely understand and respect the necessity of selling personal swag like T’s and Caps in order to fund your personal adventures but when you’re pushing Lucky Brand shit simply because it’s geared towards a motorcyclist market, you’re just plain fuckin’ up son. I’d rather go naked than drop a beaner ($100) on a pair of jeans.

As for sites like Biltwell or Lowbrow… these sites are primarily retail first, and a blog second. They get a free pass cause in most cases they actually produce (or import) what they’re selling. In fact, these sites get a gold star because they’ve effectively tricked sites like ours into being part of a fuct pyramid scheme. I do get parts for personal projects at wholesale though so I guess it aint all that bad, right?
Understand me here. I’m not the fashion police by any means. But I can’t be the only one out there seeing this bullshit. Scratching my head saying “what-the-fuck?” The fact remains. I’ll will undoubtedly spend every dime I ever make from this site on the necessities of my future adventures. I will NOT get rich and I will NOT be famous. I will however let you know when you’re steppin’ on my dick.
I don’t need to name – names cause you know who you are and you know what you did.
Tags: $100, a beaner, bad, beaner, biltwell, blog, blogs, blowin the whistle, blowing, boots, brand, bullshit, caps, commercialization, culture, cycle, cycle blog, cycle blogs, cycle culture, denim shirt, dick, diluting, doo rag, doo rags, drop, fashion, fashion plice, fashionista, feeding, free pass, fuck, fuck it, fuckin, fuckin up son, fuct, go naked, gold star, great cycle culture, hell, import, jeans vintage jeans, left, left nut, littl thing, lowbrow, lucky, lucky brand, mc sites, mister freedom, motorcyclists, my dick, naked, name, name names, names, no fashion spreads, nut, pair of jeans, personal adventure, personal adventures, personal projects, poop, pop, produce, projects, pyramid scheme, rat, rather, rats, real simple, retail, scratching my head, shit, son, spreads, sunglasses, super, swag, sweet, sweet vintage, t's, tricked, vintage, vintage jeans, what the fuck, whistle, wholesale, you're steppin on my dick
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September 17, 2010 7:00 am |
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Well it’s that time again. Get that bike out and swing by Bluecat Motors to check out the festivities. Dig the Taco Truck, Vintage Japanese, Triumph, scooters, etc. Bring a friend, make a new one. See you there. – SC

Tags: 3rd thursday, bluecat motors, etc, festivities, friend, japanese, new, one, scooter, st paul, taco truck, triumph, vintage, vintage japanese
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September 15, 2010 7:00 am |
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