RL came by last night and gave me a hand remounting the xs650 motor back in the bike. A quick process. We knocked out the timing, carbs, and wiring in about an hour and after some uneventful kicking, she eventually fired up for the first time since last September. Called it a done deal with two PBR’s to spare. I’ll revisit this thing in the spring to adjust the valves and timing and to mount a new rear fender but for now, this one is destine for storage.

Tags: 650, adjust valves, blog, carbs, chopper, chopper blog, deal, done, fired up, first time, kick, last september, motor, mount, night, pbr, rear fender, rl, september, spare, spring, storage, timing, wiring, xs, xs650
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January 29, 2011 10:17 am |
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Like new 36 ford “spare tire” fender for sale. Totally unmolested. Black – still has the lock down hoop in tact. The fender is ribbed down the center and you could easily make 2-3 really cool rat style fenders out of this piece. This thing is almost 90 years old but is still in really great shape. I bought it for a chop project but ended up going with a duck tail instead. No major dings, dents or damage anywhere. READY TO CHOP! $225 – obo – see forum classifieds for more info.

Tags: 90, black, center, chop, chop project, chp, cool rat, cool rat style, dents, dings, duck tail, fender, fender to chop, for sale, ford, frd, great, great shape, hop, obo, project, rat, rat style, raw fender, ribbed fender, sale, spare, spare tire, style, style fenders, tact, tire
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June 21, 2010 7:00 am |
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We’ve returned from the shovelhead underground. Managed to come out the other side with a couple shovelhead motors. One complete and the other is a basketcase shovelhead. The dude I bought everything from is a pretty cool fella. The more we hung out the more stuff he threw in with the deal. Managed to drive off with 2 motors, coils, carbs, a spare engine stand, a set of straight pipes and he even tossed in a few books and hard parts catalogs. I gave him a list of some other odds and ends that I’ve been looking for so hopefully I’ll be headed back soon for a few more goodies. Speed Club Approved.
Tags: basketcase, basketcase shovelhead, books, bought, carbs, catalog, coils, cool, couple, dude, engine stand, fella, goodies, ground, hard parts, motor, motors, odds and ends, parts catalogs, pipes, pretty cool, shovelhead, shovelhead motor, shovelhead motors, shovelhead underground, spare, speed club, straight pipes, under
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June 16, 2010 11:03 am |
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