That’s right folks. Swung by Blue Cat Motors yesterday to drop off a scooter for consignment. While I was there, I grabbed tons of hand bills for lots of great new events coming up this summer here in the Twin Cities. Todays post presents the Minneapolis/St Paul Mods vs Rockers ride which is hosted yearly by Blue Cat Motors. This years “MvR” will be on June 5th, 2010. Bikes meet up at Grumpy’s Northeast. Scoots meet at Psycho Suzie’s North East. Be there by 12:20-1:30 and then g for a short ride ending at the Blue Cat shop. Last year was a bit of a wash out but none-the-less, there was quite a turn out. Be There or Be Square.

Tags: be there or be square, bikes, blue cat, blue cat motors, cat shop, consignment, grumpy's, hand bills, minneapolis, minneapolis st paul, mods vs rockers minneapolis, mods vs rockers st paul, mods vs rockers twin cities, mods vs. rockers, psycho, psycho suzie's, ride, rockers, scooter, scoots, shop, st paul, summer, twin cities, wash out
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May 18, 2010 9:25 am |
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So Speed Club Inc attended last weekends Gringo & Mickey’s Moto Psycho Swap Meet. From an enthusiasts standpoint, the event was a little short on vendors in comparison to the last years. I think it might have been because of Donnie Smith’s Bike show and Swap coming up in 2 weeks. In any event, we did pick up some really sweet junk for a couple projects and I managed to snap some photos for the chopper blog.
I found a great 45″ motor crammed into a milk crate. The guy wanted $1200 beans so I decided to pass. I also bumped into the guys with a booth made out of Heavy t-shirts, twisted bars and shovelhead motors.

Tags: 45" motor, aftermath, amp, beans, bike projects, bike show, booth, chopper, chopper blog, couple, couple projects, crate, donnie smith, enthusiasts, gringo, gringo and mickey's, heavy t-shirts,, junk, meet, mickey, milk, milk crate, moto, moto psycho, motors, photos, projects, psycho, shovelhead, shovelhead motors, speed club inc, standpoint, swap, swap meet, twin cities, twisted handlebars, vendors, weekend
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March 15, 2010 10:29 am |
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Gringo and Mickey’s Moto Psych Swap Meet is back at the St. Paul Armory on March 14th.
There was a lot of great stuff out there last time including the dude from LifeisFuct with a bunch of merch. Inner primary, spoke wheels, jet kits, drag pipes, helmets, leather, you name it… It’s there. Speed Club was also in attendance. We got rid of a bunch of stuff from the garage including an awesome cafe headlight and tail section from an old cafe Sportster. That’s right… Midwest cycle freaks be there.
Dig it
Tags: armory, armry, attendance, belt drive, drag pipes, freaks, freaks. inner primary, great stuff, gringo, gringo and mickey's, helmets, jet kits, last time, leather, lifeisfuct, mickey, midwest, moto, moto psycho swap meet, old cafe, pipes, psych, psycho, speed club, spoke wheels, sportster, st paul, swap meet, wheels
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March 12, 2010 10:43 am |
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It’s cold out here in the Twin Cities but we’ve finally begun our spring thaw! With that, Gringo and Mickey’s Moto Psych Swap Meet is back at the St. Paul Armory on March 14th. There was a lot of great stuff out there last time including the dude from LifeisFuct with a bunch of merch. Speed Club was also in attendance. We got rid of a bunch of stuff from the garage including an awesome cafe headlight and tail section from an old cafe Sportster. I’ve attached some photos from the last swap back in December. That’s right… Midwest cycle freaks do it in the snow. Dig it – See you there!

Tags: armory, attendance, blog, cafe headlight, cycle freaks, freaks, garage, great stuff, gringo, last time, lifeisfuct, meet, mickey, mickey's, midwest, moto, moto psycho, photos, psych, psycho, snow, speed club, sportster, spring, spring thaw, st paul, swap, swap meet, tail section, twin cities
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March 4, 2010 4:51 pm |
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