Motor detonation sucks. Some folks rock fire blankets these days but way back when, you took an entire top end to the chest and walked that sh*t off! This was a cool little photo I found today while researching some drag racing info.

Tags: bad day, chopper blog, cool, detonation, drag, drag racing, fire blankets, folks, motor, photo, rck, rock fire, top end, walked
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September 19, 2011 10:31 pm |
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I was in rare form that afternoon/evening out at Canterbury Park. It was Grand Nationals and everyone I was supposed to cruise up with totally flaked out on me. In the end I made the trip alone and bumped in to all sorts of folks from HEAVY crew to the Bluecat gang. Had a great time, got a bunch of bury pics, bruised my ribs by taking a photo while walking straight into a steel fence post. Also took a leak near the horse stalls n the way out to mark my territory.

Tags: all sorts, blog, bluecat gang, canterbury park, chopper, chopper blog, crew, cruise, dirttrack, dirttrack racers, dreaming of summer, flaked out, grand nationals, great time, Heavy, horse, mn dreaming of summer, photo, pics, racers, ribs, speed club, stalls, steel fence post, steel post, teritory
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December 26, 2010 7:00 am |
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Poured out of the cab onto Mass ave. We’re here to see John Funkie. Before my eyes was one pretty sweet little trump. I drunk-photoed it and made my way up to the bar at Zu. My buddy Matt was already sharing a pint Lucas. Lucas is the Choppahead dude in their volume 3 video who’s drinking beer of a garage floor. Apparently Lucas and Matt go back a ways. Cool dude. Sweet bike. Lots of beer and some of the best jams in town. Dig it. ~ Speed Club Chopper Blog.

Tags: back a ways, best jams in town, buddy, buddy matt, bump, cab, choppahead, chopper, chopper blog, cool dude, dig it, drinking beer, drunk, funkie, garage, garage floor, jams, john funkie, little triumph, lucas choppahead, mass ave, matt, photo, pint, poured, pretty sweet, speed club, sweet bike, trump, volume 3, zuzu
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October 3, 2010 12:21 pm |
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CB750 Chopper – Midwest Style. Shot this photo at last months 3rd Thursday. I see it all the time outside of Bluecat. No idea if it runs or anything but it definitely looks the part. Next 3rd Thursday is coming up in a week and a half. Maybe we’ll see you there.

Tags: 3rd thursday, bluecat, cb750, cb750 chopper, chopper, looks the part, midwest, midwest style, photo, runs, shot, style, week
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August 11, 2010 7:00 am |
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Title says it all. WANTED ~ 4 Speed Ratchet Top. Got a shovelhead project in need of a known good working Harley 4 spd ratchet top transmission (Nothing against you cowpie guys). Email a photo – name your price – lets make a deal. Prefer local.

Tags: 4, 4 spd, 4 spd ratchet top, 4 speed, 4 speed ratchet top, cowpie, deal, good, guys, harley, harley 4 spd, harley ratchet top, harley ratchet top transmission, known good, lets make a deal, photo, photo name, price, project, ratchet top, ratchet top transmission, shovelhead, shovelhead project, speed, transmission, wanted
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July 9, 2010 7:00 am |
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