Woke up to a call from Pete. I’m late for a swap meet. Luckily I’m only 2 miles from the fairgrounds. Made a big cup of coffee and hustled my ass on over. At 8am, the swap was in full swing. Ran around solo for an hour. Scored a weird fire bell and an old oil tank. Caught up with Pete and walked the swap for another hour or two. Pete was the big winner for the day. Dig this old door.

Ran back home to knock out some yard work and frame a window. Then I was back out to Selby cause I struck a deal with Pete on an old shop truck. 1970 F100. She’s a rust bucket but she’s got charm. Came back and drove around the neighborhood all evening with my son. Finished the night with some good old Walking Dead. I love that show. Life is good.

Tags: 1970, any sunday, ass, bell, chopper blog, cup of coffee, dig, f100, fire, fire bell, full swing, hustle, life, love, neighborhood, oil tank, on any sunday, pete, rust bucket, scored, selby, swap meet, walking dead, weird
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October 16, 2011 7:24 pm |
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Headed over to the house of the unholy for the typical Thursday night round up. Something made me go. I was gonna sit around and watch TV but I realized this might be the last time to hang out with Gator before he leaves for FL!
Everyone was out. There’s lots to celebrate. New Kevin’s bike is in this issue of ShowClass Mag. I’ve almost got my shovelhead flywheels trued. Blaine has just about everything to start assembling his pan. There’s a swap this Sunday and I picked up a sexy girder from Pete! The bummer was that with Gator splitting, things just won’t be the same. I’m sure Gator will be back in town now and again. Here are a few quick photos I managed to snag while running around the shop.

Tags: blaine, bum, bummer, celebrate, chopper blog, gator, girder, house of the unholy, in town, last time, new kevin, pan, pete, photos, running, shop, shovelhead, show class magazine, snag, split, thursday night, TV
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October 14, 2011 2:59 am |
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Met up a week ago last Sunday with the fellas at the Blood Temple of Black Acid Beast. Zac was looking to get some pics of Pete and Hans bikes for Show Class. I rode along to get some video and mostly for the fun of it. Diamond Dave, Jordan, Reinhart and Hot Bobby were along too. –Jordan fixing his PBR kids hat.
We blasted through the state and over to Stillwater. Hopped the shoulder to skirt a two mile back up and somewhere along the way some asshole jumped in behind us thinking he was slick. He got his. The cops jumped in behind HIM and HE got stopped while the rest of us banged our way down the hill and around the bend. Zac’s tank sprung a major leak. After a little repair we started making our way back to the cities. Zacs tank was fucked. — Hans, Dave, and Zac inspecting the damage.

Me, Dave, Jordan and Hot Bobby split off at 35W, splitting lanes, destroying highway, 90-per (Dave leading the way on his FXR) as we high tailed it back to the Cities. Apparently somewhere along the way some douche got pretty mad about me shaking the paint of his hybrid and tried to clip me! Yeah! I didnt even know about it until Jordan told me what had happened. It goes back to the golden rule. Think Fast – Go Faster.
Tags: 90 per, asshle, asshole, beast, bikes, black acid beast, blog, blood, chopper, chopper blog, cities, clip me, cops, dave jordan, diamond dave, douche, down hill, fellas, fxr, golden rule, hans, highway 90, hot bobby, hybrid, jordan, last sunday, leading the way, leak, mad, nbsp, paint, pete, reinhart, show class, skirt, splitting lanes, stillwater, tank, temple, think fast - go faster, two mile, zac
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October 10, 2011 10:06 pm |
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Me Pete and Reinhart road out to the Scooter Trash show last Saturday. No kidding – it was 36 degrees when I woke up that morning. Made for a chilly ride but the sun was shining and a good time was had by all. Reinhart got this pic of Me and Pete bullshitting at a light somewhere. I did manage to get some half assed video of Pete and Reinhart riding down 13 which Im editing now. The show was cool. Nothin epic to report. I hung back behind the Union Speed booth with Jordan. Thanks for the pic Reinhart.

Tags: bullshitting, chilly, chopper blog, cool, epic, good time, half assed, jordan, last saturday, me, pete, ride, scooter trash, show, sun, sun was shining, union speed, video
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October 3, 2011 2:04 pm |
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Joe – a ham for the cam manages to pop up all over the chop web. I looked at a number of pics I got from Born Free, Full Tilt, and Davenport and somehow Joe is always floating in the background. Well its all for good cause cause Joe’s for real. He’s been hiding in the shadows for a year now working on the original “Hey Man! Pan”. Look for this thing next season. He’s killing it. Big plans to drive this thing to Cali and back Flying solo like a dog in the wind. I snagged this pic from Zac’s Heavy-Clothing.com.

Next year Minnesota is gonna be blowing up with all kinds of new shit. I think at least half the guys in the scene here are working on something new for next year. Spencer, Joe, Pete, Dave, Me, Chris and maybe Gator is he’s still hanging around.
Tags: big, blog, born free, cali, chop, chopper, chopper blog, dave, davenport, dog, flying solo, full tilt, gator, good, guys, half, ham, heavy-clothing.com, hey man pan, hiding in the shadows, in the wind, joe, joe pete, killing it, me, minnesota, new shit, original, pete, shadows, shit, snag, speed club, spencer, web, zac
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September 9, 2011 9:03 pm |
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