Posts tagged: minnesota

Satan’s Chariot

Killing time waiting for the fellas to show up. Got a nice little pic of Satan’s Chariot (a.k.a “Beelzebub’s Vibrator”). Nothing but an iPhone camera and my motion sensor light from the garage. It was seriously looking like some kind of magazine spread shit or something. Rode out last night for a while. Cold as ever. Stopped by the Temple to catch up with folks. Looks like a lot of new stuff is coming out of that shop next year. Minnesota is where it’s at. Dig it. Support your local chopper blog. Visit our booth at Sundays Viking Swap on the Fairgrounds.



Hey Man Pan

Joe – a ham for the cam manages to pop up all over the chop web. I looked at a number of pics I got from Born Free, Full Tilt, and Davenport and somehow Joe is always floating in the background. Well its all for good cause cause Joe’s for real. He’s been hiding in the shadows for a year now working on the original “Hey Man! Pan”. Look for this thing next season. He’s killing it. Big plans to drive this thing to Cali and back Flying solo like a dog in the wind. I snagged this pic from Zac’s

Next year Minnesota is gonna be blowing up with all kinds of new shit. I think at least half the guys in the scene here are working on something new for next year. Spencer, Joe, Pete, Dave, Me, Chris and maybe Gator is he’s still hanging around.

Fathers Day in Minnesota

Woke up to a little corn beef and eggs with a side of black coffee and toast. Cruised over to Back to the 50’s car show for some swap meet action. Kind of a dead scene considering it was Sunday. I did see this gem of a Gasser parked somewhere just off the beaten path. I couldnt pass up getting a quick picture.

From there I went home and got out the bike. Took a ride over to the Blind Lizard cycle rally in Minneapolis to catch up with CT. Reinhart came limping in on his Triumph. Points were well beyond useless. Pretty Rick and the Monk happened to be in the crowd and decided to do the Minnesota thing and come over and get his points readjusted. After a little file action and a few swift kicks, the salty dog was up and running on two cylinders again. New points are being installed as I type.

Came home, napped for a hour, ate a sub, went back to bed. All in all – a good fathers day.

Kung Fu Dice – 2011

Great time. Burned a few layers of skin off my face. A couple breakdowns along the way. Zac rolled out his fresh bike. Harpoon and Jeff were in town so Dave lent them a couple bikes. Harpoon was the f*ckin man on that raked girder. Kevin’s new bike destroyed peoples minds. All the usual suspects were there. Here’s a full set of pics to recap. Support your local chopper blogs!

Minnesota Chop

The Daves

Kung Fu COC

Hans and Spencer

Iowa Tail



King Diamond in need

Pete and Spencer and Tacos

Zac and Chris Magneto Trouble


Does the Pope wear a Funny Hat?

Been holding out for a warmer day so I could sneak out to the garage and knock out my popes hat sissy bar. Finally decided not to let the Minnesota weather get between me and my welding. Put the kid down for a nap and got to it. Just needs a little touch up with the grinder and the Yammy is out of here. If you’re looking for an XS650 chopper that runs like a rapped date – hit me up. Everything was gone over this winter and it will officially be for sale sometime in the next week or so. Check craigslist,, egay, etc, etc.

dig it.