Posts tagged: hell

SALE ~ Vintage ’64 Vespa VNB

Vintage ’64 Vespa VNB

Body in Great Shape. Beatles Yellow New paint. Motor rebuilt from split cases up. Nothing overlooked. Everything new. Electronic ignition. Stock 125cc motor w/ newer 3 port 150cc top end. Mikuni Race carb set up. New wire harness which I already routed through out the entire body. All you need to do is reassemble and plug in the stator and reg/rectifier (also new and included) and you’re ready for spring. You name it, I’ve fixed, cleaned or replaced it. Looking for quick cash for yet another project.

Come and get it today for $1200. Easy winter resto project. Hell, I’ll even help you if you want.

You’re Steppin’ on My Dick

F*ck it. I cant take it anymore. I’m blowin’ the whistle here. What the hell is with all the fashionista, bullshit popping up on every ones cycle blogs lately? Seriously. I don’t give a rats left nut about someones super sweet vintage jeans, denim shirt, doo rags, boots, sunglasses, or what the shit ever else! It’s real simple see. NO FASHION SPREADS ALLOWED on MC SITES! All you’re doing is feeding into a little  thing called commercialization. In essence, you’re diluting what could continue to be a great cycle culture.

Okay ~ Okay – I completely understand and respect the necessity of selling personal swag like T’s and Caps in order to fund your personal adventures but when you’re pushing Lucky Brand shit simply because it’s geared towards a motorcyclist market, you’re just plain fuckin’ up son. I’d rather go naked than drop a beaner ($100) on a pair of jeans.

As for sites like Biltwell or Lowbrow… these sites are primarily retail first, and a blog second. They get a free pass cause in most cases they actually produce (or import) what they’re selling. In fact, these sites get a gold star because they’ve effectively tricked sites like ours into being part of a fuct pyramid scheme. I do get parts for personal projects at wholesale though so I guess it aint all that bad, right?

Understand me here. I’m not the fashion police by any means. But I can’t be the only one out there seeing this bullshit. Scratching my head saying “what-the-fuck?” The fact remains. I’ll will undoubtedly spend every dime I ever make from this site on the necessities of my future adventures. I will NOT get rich and I will NOT be famous. I will however let you know when you’re steppin’ on my dick.

I don’t need to name – names cause you know who you are and you know what you did.

Deathtrap MC – 2008

Seriously… someone is going to poke an eye out. Keep it. DeathTrap MC back in 2008 chasing the Circle -o- Death. This video will put a smile on your face which will be quickly followed by a slight cringe as you realize how sore he’ll be when he sobers up. Ahhh – Fuck it. Good times is good times. Nothing a little tequila and big tittied naked women cant fix, right?

CHOPOUT 2010 Details

CHOPOUT 2010 – presented by

We’re getting the hell out of town for one last ride for the season on September 18 and 19th. This is a Saturday and Sunday, 300 mile round trip and you’re invited. We’re leaving after breakfast and heading east into WI. Camp out. Next day cruise back west into MN and then south to the Twin Cities. This is a bring-your-own-shit, ride and camp out thing. Contact Speed Club INC for all the ride details including map, camp destination and specifics on the route.

Dont forget your:
sleeping bag
extra socks
break down back-up plan

How Much: $10-20/per person, per night for camp site. You get a spot on the grassy knoll next to the second gunman. There’s a lake and toilets and the lodge with grub, beer and AC/Heat depending on the weather. Well worth the minimal cash so don’t be a tight ass.

What to do: Absolutely nothing. There are a couple bars and gas stations for food and drink and there’s always good old Phipps. Make some friends, rest up, share some laughs, shit it in the woods.

Things you should know: The ride is open to anyone with the right attitude. No chase trucks, no banners, no products, no nothing. Just one last little adventure for the season. Food is on you. Yes, there are definitely bears and yes, they will come out looking for that cheese burger wrapper you left in the dirt next to your bike. SO… be smart and try not to get killed. It’s not a race. Have a fun time and enjoy the ride.

brought to you by

Chopper Blog Slack

Yup, I’ve been slacking a bit. We’re moving to a new shop and trying to get the CHOPOUT plans finalized which is leaving little time for anything else. Hell, I even missed out on fellas night, last night. No tacos, no beer, no nothing. On a side note, I learned that using a spray gun for interior painting is the only way to paint! That roller BS is for chumps. New Digs photos coming soon along with some a whole Midwest garage series I’m planning for the winter. Choppers, bobbers, cafe racers, the whole thing. Check back often. Here’s a little trump I’ve been eyeballing.