We’re 4 days out. Trying to get every ones orders shipped before we leave town. Cycles and camping ~ two things I love!
Pack your sleeping bag, a jacket and a warm hat. It might get cold out there. Speed Club will be providing maps. Looks to be a lot of xs650’s in the line up but then again, I have absolutely no way of knowing exactly how many people are going! All roads are pretty easy going. No major highways. No need to even break 45mph (David, I’m looking at you dude). Camp out with the gang. Take it easy. Food and beer is within walking distance. Speed Club will provide tunes and coffee on Sunday morning. Hit the road and meet up at Tobies on 48 for Sunday Breakfast.
Stuff to consider:
Warm Hat
A cup
Sleeping Bag
Flash light
CHOPOUT 2010 – Midwest
September 18th-19th
GOT QUESTIONS? – JUST ASK. ~ info@speedclubinc.com
Tags: 48, bag, beer, breakfast, camera, camp, chopout, coffee, cold, cycles, cycles and camping, flash light, food, gang, highway, highways, i love, ipd, jacket, leave town, love, maps, midwest, road, shades, sleeping bag, socks, speed club, sunday morning, tent, tobies, town cycles, tunes, walking distance, warm, warm hat, xs650
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September 14, 2010 7:00 am |
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Got turned on to HopperMag through Zac over at Heavy. From there – I found this great article about Tom Hayashi and Junk Motor in Japan. This dude is a cool, calm collector of fine HD artifacts. He quietly pedals his stuff over the internet and hangs out in a tiny little bedroom of a shop. Seriously, this dudes spread looks like a super secret clubhouse. Anyway, there’s a really cool video worth checking out. I talked to the guys at HopperMag to see if they’d open up the Vimeo for sharing but for sake of article continuity, you gotta go check ’em out to get the whole story. The Hopper Mag gang is doing some really cool treasure hunting. They’re actually getting off there asses and going out to capture the scene first hand. Expect big things from them.
~ Speed Club Approved.
Tags: artifacts, asses, asses capture, big, blog, chopper, chopper blog, clubhouse, collector, continuity, dude, fine, gang, guys, hand, hang out, hayashi, hd, Heavy, heavy-clothing.com, hopper, hoppermag, hoppermag.com, humbly pedals, japan, junk motor, junk motor.com, little bedroom, sake, secret clubhouse, secrt, shop, speed club, spread, super, the scene, tom hayashi, treasure hunting, video, vimeo, whole story, zac
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September 13, 2010 3:05 pm |
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Speed Club is in the process of moving to slightly larger digs. Finally, a little winter storage action for the gang. Much thanks to all Speed Club visitors. You purchases are site traffic are helping support the midwest moto scene and we greatly appreciate it. See you all very soon – First Thursday ~ Tonight!

Tags: action, club house, culture, first thursday, gang, larger, little winter sotrag, midwest, midwest moto culture, moto, moto culture, moto scene, moving, new digs, process, purchase, scene, site traffic, speed club, tonight, visitors
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August 5, 2010 10:06 am |
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Live and in person – Catch us today at the Bearded Lady Motorcycle Freak Show! 331 Club – Minneapolis. Get there early, stay late. Meet the Speed Club gang and support your local Midwest Moto Culture. Absence will be considered inexcusable. Check back for more pics and video as we post them to the chopper blog.

Tags: 331 club, 331 club minneapolis, absence, bearded lady, blog, catch, catch us, chopper, chopper blog, club, culture, freak, freak show, gang, in person, live, live and in person, local, midwest, minneapolis, more, moto, moto culture, motorcycle, motorcycle freak show, pics, show, speed, speed club, speed club gang, video
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July 24, 2010 7:00 am |
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Speed Club in Hayward. Sounds like you twin cities folk got a little rain? Sorry we missed it. We were up north in Hayward WI with the SC gang for a little trail time on the banshee. That thing never fails to push my limits. RL brought out his new EX for its official “breaking in.” Talk about one dependable machine. Never a moment of problem and hardly 2 gallons of gas in 6 hours! It was a good weekend. We even rolled in a little time at the casino AND a made the ritualistic pilgrimage to the Hayward Ballet.

Tags: ballet, banshee, breaking in, club, ex, gallon, gang, hayward, hayward ballet, hayward wi, honda, little rain, little time, machine, pilgrimage, ritualistic, rl, speed, speed club, trail time, twin cities, yamaha
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July 19, 2010 10:11 am |
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