Posts tagged: fuct

4 Hour Miracle

So I’m out last Thursday night hangin with the Motorcycle Cult. Just as I’m maybe a mile away, the bike starts making some evil noises when I close the throttle. Turns out I seriously dodged an engine destroying bullet! My damn exhaust valve in my rear cylinder dropped the seat. Somehow by luck or chance, the dropped seat was actually perfectly caught by the valve as it tried to close. Even better, the pushrod just hung there. Didnt pinch or bend or snap or anything. That was Thursday. Saturday morning I got up at 6Am and did 600 miles int Wisconsin with Drunkle Evan! Here’s my 4 hour miracle on Friday afternoon.

3PM: Bike on lift. Took off pipe. Valve clearly stuck. Called Gator.


3:30PM: Cylinder removed and I am clearly fuct but piston and cylinder are 100%!


4PM: Realized “Shit! I have a donor motor sitting on the bench!” Yanked the head off and texted a pic to Gator for his blessing before proceeding.


5PM: Drank coffee. Made piece with wife. Found an unused top end gasket set and reassembled rocker on new head. She’s looking pretty.

7PM: Head and top end reassembled. Pipe remounted. Readjusted pushrods. Everything torqued properly (thanks again Gator). Dropped it off the lift and after a couple primer kicks – she was up an running once more. Road around maybe 20 miles that night and called it a done deal! By 11Am the next morning I was 200 miles from home and still running strong.

You’re Steppin’ on My Dick

F*ck it. I cant take it anymore. I’m blowin’ the whistle here. What the hell is with all the fashionista, bullshit popping up on every ones cycle blogs lately? Seriously. I don’t give a rats left nut about someones super sweet vintage jeans, denim shirt, doo rags, boots, sunglasses, or what the shit ever else! It’s real simple see. NO FASHION SPREADS ALLOWED on MC SITES! All you’re doing is feeding into a little  thing called commercialization. In essence, you’re diluting what could continue to be a great cycle culture.

Okay ~ Okay – I completely understand and respect the necessity of selling personal swag like T’s and Caps in order to fund your personal adventures but when you’re pushing Lucky Brand shit simply because it’s geared towards a motorcyclist market, you’re just plain fuckin’ up son. I’d rather go naked than drop a beaner ($100) on a pair of jeans.

As for sites like Biltwell or Lowbrow… these sites are primarily retail first, and a blog second. They get a free pass cause in most cases they actually produce (or import) what they’re selling. In fact, these sites get a gold star because they’ve effectively tricked sites like ours into being part of a fuct pyramid scheme. I do get parts for personal projects at wholesale though so I guess it aint all that bad, right?

Understand me here. I’m not the fashion police by any means. But I can’t be the only one out there seeing this bullshit. Scratching my head saying “what-the-fuck?” The fact remains. I’ll will undoubtedly spend every dime I ever make from this site on the necessities of my future adventures. I will NOT get rich and I will NOT be famous. I will however let you know when you’re steppin’ on my dick.

I don’t need to name – names cause you know who you are and you know what you did.