Went off a couple weekends back. Met some new friends and lost track of and re-found some old ones! Slepts behind a bar and then slept in an abandoned bar the next night. Drank a bunch of club guys beers while their backs were turned. Bike ran great until the ignition fried on the way home. Managed to meet a guy who gave me a complete points ignition. I tossed it in and timed it in a parking lot and we were back on our way limping the rest of the way home.
So good to squeeze in one last sun burn for the summer. Now it’s back down into the 60’s here so pretty soon we’ll have to hit some country roads and watch the leaves turn.
In other news:
Super Shifters are back in Stock!
Midesota’s are coming back from chrome today so I’ll updated the shopping cart within the next 24 hours.
So that Davenport shovelhead motor I picked up turned out to be a keeper after all. I was really looking to flip it for a while but now that I started the rebuild, I have to finish it. And if I’m gonna spend the time to build it, I’m gonna keep her around for a while. Crank properly trued to within .001. Took me all damn day to get it just so. Checked the pinion side for a plug fit with .0002 over bearings. Pressed new sprocket side together and slipped the pinion half back together. Buttoned it up and checked end play. All well within spec. I got a really really clean Andrews AB cam from Gator last week. Gonna get that thing spaced out today. Top end coming soon.

Ideally, this thing will be a sweet mantle piece until I decide what to throw it in.
Tags: 74", andrews ab, bearings, cam, chopper blog, crank, davenport, end play, flip it, keep her around, love, mantle piece, motor, pinion, plug fit, pressed, rebuild, shovel, shovelhead, shovelhead motor
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October 21, 2011 11:28 am |
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Joe – a ham for the cam manages to pop up all over the chop web. I looked at a number of pics I got from Born Free, Full Tilt, and Davenport and somehow Joe is always floating in the background. Well its all for good cause cause Joe’s for real. He’s been hiding in the shadows for a year now working on the original “Hey Man! Pan”. Look for this thing next season. He’s killing it. Big plans to drive this thing to Cali and back Flying solo like a dog in the wind. I snagged this pic from Zac’s Heavy-Clothing.com.

Next year Minnesota is gonna be blowing up with all kinds of new shit. I think at least half the guys in the scene here are working on something new for next year. Spencer, Joe, Pete, Dave, Me, Chris and maybe Gator is he’s still hanging around.
Tags: big, blog, born free, cali, chop, chopper, chopper blog, dave, davenport, dog, flying solo, full tilt, gator, good, guys, half, ham, heavy-clothing.com, hey man pan, hiding in the shadows, in the wind, joe, joe pete, killing it, me, minnesota, new shit, original, pete, shadows, shit, snag, speed club, spencer, web, zac
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September 9, 2011 9:03 pm |
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