Joe – a ham for the cam manages to pop up all over the chop web. I looked at a number of pics I got from Born Free, Full Tilt, and Davenport and somehow Joe is always floating in the background. Well its all for good cause cause Joe’s for real. He’s been hiding in the shadows for a year now working on the original “Hey Man! Pan”. Look for this thing next season. He’s killing it. Big plans to drive this thing to Cali and back Flying solo like a dog in the wind. I snagged this pic from Zac’s

Next year Minnesota is gonna be blowing up with all kinds of new shit. I think at least half the guys in the scene here are working on something new for next year. Spencer, Joe, Pete, Dave, Me, Chris and maybe Gator is he’s still hanging around.
Tags: big, blog, born free, cali, chop, chopper, chopper blog, dave, davenport, dog, flying solo, full tilt, gator, good, guys, half, ham,, hey man pan, hiding in the shadows, in the wind, joe, joe pete, killing it, me, minnesota, new shit, original, pete, shadows, shit, snag, speed club, spencer, web, zac
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September 9, 2011 9:03 pm |
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Great time. Burned a few layers of skin off my face. A couple breakdowns along the way. Zac rolled out his fresh bike. Harpoon and Jeff were in town so Dave lent them a couple bikes. Harpoon was the f*ckin man on that raked girder. Kevin’s new bike destroyed peoples minds. All the usual suspects were there. Here’s a full set of pics to recap. Support your local chopper blogs!
Minnesota Chop
The Daves
Kung Fu COC
Hans and Spencer
Iowa Tail
King Diamond in need
Pete and Spencer and Tacos

Zac and Chris Magneto Trouble
Tags: blog, chopper, chopper blog, chris, coc, dave, hans, harpoon, king diamond, kung fu iowa, magneto, minnesota, minnesota chop, pete, skin, spencer, support, tacos, tail, time, zac
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June 13, 2011 11:28 am |
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St Patty’s day I headed to the House of the Temple of the Wolf. Between Zac, Dave and Gator, these dudes have attempted most every part combination you can think of. I usually save myself a lot of frustration by just hanging around, asking questions and gettin my learnin on. Met some cool people as always, had a couple beers and stared at a pant load of Magnetos. That shit is right on time. I gotta think about gettin me one.

Snapped a couple pics with the camera phone and when I got home and looked at them I realized I had the fixins for a pretty slick panoramic. Click the above image and check it out full size. Dig it!
Tags: blog, camera, chopper, chopper blog, combo, cool, couple beers, dave, day, dig, dig it, dudes, fixins, frustration, gator, house, house of the temple of the wolf, learnin, learning, load, magneto, magnetos, on time, pant, pant load, right, right on time, shit, slick, snap, st, st patty, st pattys day, temple, wolf, zac
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March 18, 2011 9:04 pm |
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Zac ( and Dave stopped by the over the weekend to check out a shovelhead motor. Sounds like Dave has a project in mind. Hung out in the garage for a while talking about all kinds of random shit. These guys are good people. Been all around and are really doing something all their own. Check out the Zac’s site, support HEAVY and the boys. Here’s a shot I snagged for the chopper blog just before they headed out.

Tags: blog, boys, chopper, chopper blog, chopper dave, dave, dave chopper, diamond, diamond dave, doom, garage, good people, heavy and the boys, heavy-clothing,, motor, motor sounds, project, random shit, shit, shovelhead, shovelhead motor, weekend, zac, zac and dave chopper, Zac Doom
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June 29, 2010 7:00 am |
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