Well… I’m all set with my winter projects. I just got a 4 speed ratchet top transmission for my shovelhead project. I picked it up as a cheapo rebuild. Original owner tore it down and couldnt put it back together (DUH). It got passed on to NE Rick on a trade and it sat at Ricks until I reminded him that he had it. Sweet deal. Ricks a cool fella. Lots of knowledge and Mountain Dew. Trans looks complete aside from a single missing o-ring. A few cents and a few hours to set it all back up and she’ll be ready to run.
Contact me if you have any of the following for sale. I’m interested in almost anything and we’re still a ways out from any Gringo and Mickeys action.
– Complete 3 finger clutch basket
– Any frames (regardless of condition)
– Cheap Velocity Stack style air cleaner
– Alternator
– Point or Electric Ignition
Tags: 4, 4 speed, 4 speed ratchet top transmission, air cleaner, cents, cheapo, clutch, clutch basket, complete, cool, cool fella, duh, electric ignition, fella, gringo, knowledge, missing, mountain dew, NE, o-ring, original, project, projects, ratchet top, ratchet top transmission, ready to run, rebuild, rick, ricks, run, shovel head, shovelhead, shovelhead project, shovelhead transmission, single, speed, sweet, sweet deal, trade, trans, transmission, velocity stack, winter project, winter projects
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September 9, 2010 7:00 am |
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We’ve got an extra shovelhead basket case motor in the Speed Club Garage. Taking up space. It’s mostly complete and in need of a rebuild. Grab a piece or motorcycle history here folks. Build it and run it or use it as a paper weight. Somebody come get it. $1100 or trade for 4 speed ratchet top w/ complete clutch assembly.

Tags: 1100, 4 speed, 4 speed ratchet top, basket case, basket case motor, build it, classifieds forum, clutch, clutch assembly, complete, complete clutch, folks, garage, motor, motor case, motorcycle history, paper weight, ratchet top, rebuild, run it, shovelhead, shovelhead basket case, speed club, speed club garage, taking up space, trade, weight
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June 20, 2010 7:00 am |
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Eric’s bike is coming along. Finally got the front wheel spaced out and the throttle/clutch assembly mounted and working. Still need to knock out the forward control linkage and make a new custom hydro brake line for the rear caliper. Fired up the motor today for the first time in maybe two years. Runs pretty strong and loud. Might need to update the exhaust later on for reliability sake.

Tags: assmebly, bobber, clutch, custom, exhaust, fire, fired up the motor, forward controls, front wheel, hydro brake line, knock out, linkage, motor, new, pretty strong, rear caliper, runs, spaced, throttle, two years, xs650, xs650 bobber
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May 9, 2010 7:00 am |
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Ripped from the pages of yesteryears. It says “WT.” I have no idea where this thing came from but I’ve officially decided that WT stands for “White Trash.” I’ve also decided that “FB” stands for “Finger Bang.” This guys Triumph is pretty sick and unbelievably clean. Maybe White Trash doesn’t really fit this image but I dont care. Dig that 18″ Avon Slick with exposed clutch and totally bitchin’ rear sets! This thing is built with style and slicker than snot!

Tags: 18" avon, avon, bitchin, blog, bobber blog, chopper blog, clean, clutch, drag bikes, exposed clutch, fb, finger bang, idea, motorcycle, motorcycle blog, pretty, rear, rear set, ripped, sick, slick, slicker, snot, speed club, stand, style, triumph, white trash, WT, yesteryears
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April 15, 2010 7:00 am |
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