Posts tagged: bullshit

the Used Parts Biz

So it looks like Speed Club is now in the used parts biz! I managed to scoop up some items here and there and am now finally starting to list everything in the shop (Chopper Shack). The plan is to list at least 2 new items each week on the site and in the cart. With the swap season coming up, Im hoping to move a lot of the stuff Im posting so get it while it lasts! In other news; Speed Club is now syndicated on Chop Cult. Had to do some quick code bullshit to output my wordpress site to blogger, then to CC, blah, blah, blah. Also, I obviously gave the site a new skin and we will soon be doing away with the forum and replacing it with a simple events calendar. If anyone out there has a suggestion, please send it. Now that the snow is here, I finally have time to clean a little house. Im working on a new shirt or two and some stickers. Lastly, Im hoping to do some collaborating with some friends this winter. As always, stay tuned.

Next time you need a part, email me first. If I got it, its for sale.

You’re Steppin’ on My Dick

F*ck it. I cant take it anymore. I’m blowin’ the whistle here. What the hell is with all the fashionista, bullshit popping up on every ones cycle blogs lately? Seriously. I don’t give a rats left nut about someones super sweet vintage jeans, denim shirt, doo rags, boots, sunglasses, or what the shit ever else! It’s real simple see. NO FASHION SPREADS ALLOWED on MC SITES! All you’re doing is feeding into a little  thing called commercialization. In essence, you’re diluting what could continue to be a great cycle culture.

Okay ~ Okay – I completely understand and respect the necessity of selling personal swag like T’s and Caps in order to fund your personal adventures but when you’re pushing Lucky Brand shit simply because it’s geared towards a motorcyclist market, you’re just plain fuckin’ up son. I’d rather go naked than drop a beaner ($100) on a pair of jeans.

As for sites like Biltwell or Lowbrow… these sites are primarily retail first, and a blog second. They get a free pass cause in most cases they actually produce (or import) what they’re selling. In fact, these sites get a gold star because they’ve effectively tricked sites like ours into being part of a fuct pyramid scheme. I do get parts for personal projects at wholesale though so I guess it aint all that bad, right?

Understand me here. I’m not the fashion police by any means. But I can’t be the only one out there seeing this bullshit. Scratching my head saying “what-the-fuck?” The fact remains. I’ll will undoubtedly spend every dime I ever make from this site on the necessities of my future adventures. I will NOT get rich and I will NOT be famous. I will however let you know when you’re steppin’ on my dick.

I don’t need to name – names cause you know who you are and you know what you did.

CHOPOUT Update – “sporks”

Things are coming together. Got a new sleeping bag on Friday. My old one is back at my brothers house on the East Coast. Started making a list of all the stuff I need to pack. I even took a trip to REI to look at all the fancy gadgets their trying to sell. I ended up buying a pocket can opener for .59 cents and a really funny spork which I gave to my son since he’s currently learning how to use utensils. All in all I learned that a tarp, a knife, a lighter and a tin can pretty much cover the basics.

Just a couple quick reminders and useful tips for those planning on attending:
– Be Cool. This is an all INCLUSIVE event.
– Pack light but stay warm.
– There is a lodge VERY near by for most of our drinking/eating necessity.
– There are new shower facilities which include a crapper.
– Gonna crash in your sleeping bag under the stars? RECONSIDER IT. That’s some Hollywood John Wayne bullshit. Maybe a tent isn’t a horrible idea. It’s up to you. It’s your trip, not mine.
– Cash – Cash – Cash
– Cell signals are spotty. Towers are being built but sh*t happens slowly out there.
– Be nice to locals (we’re in their house).
– Warm hats are good.
– Cook a potato in the fire by wrapping it in foil and setting it in alongside the coals (45-60 min).
– Empty Zip Lock bag + air = cheap pillow
– Lastly, and perhaps most importantly…BEER. We may need beer run volunteers.

See everyone around the camp fire.

Oh Damn – Here comes the Harley Weasel

Proceed with the following commercial carefully. Do not be fooled. This is NOT brought to you by the dudes who did Harbortown or Choppertown. This is brought to you disguised as one of those documentaries.

Why didnt I think of hanging my signals under my bars and mounting a solo seat?… Oh wait – signals look stupid and I made my own seat. I like to think that my chopper and bobber enthusiasm ultimately has nothing to do with Harley Davidson. Yet – here comes HD trying to steal my thunder. Aint that some bullshit.