Our kickstarter project didnt reach its funding goal. Bummer but fuck it. It’s tough to be bummed when we’re only a couple weeks away from BornFree. We still managed to scrape up enough extra $$ to get our asses there and back with a camera in hand and that’s all it really takes.
So death to formality and on with the show! We got us a new camera and we’re working on all the other loose ends. Stay tuned. Here’s a quick peek at where I’m at on the Love Whip.

Tags: $$, asses, blog, born free, bummer, camera, chopper, chopper blog, couple weeks, cuple, death, formality, fuck it, kickstarter, love, love whip, new camera, other loose ends, peek, scrape, show, stay tuned, week, whip
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June 1, 2011 8:17 am |
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Got turned on to HopperMag through Zac over at Heavy. From there – I found this great article about Tom Hayashi and Junk Motor in Japan. This dude is a cool, calm collector of fine HD artifacts. He quietly pedals his stuff over the internet and hangs out in a tiny little bedroom of a shop. Seriously, this dudes spread looks like a super secret clubhouse. Anyway, there’s a really cool video worth checking out. I talked to the guys at HopperMag to see if they’d open up the Vimeo for sharing but for sake of article continuity, you gotta go check ’em out to get the whole story. The Hopper Mag gang is doing some really cool treasure hunting. They’re actually getting off there asses and going out to capture the scene first hand. Expect big things from them.
~ Speed Club Approved.
Tags: artifacts, asses, asses capture, big, blog, chopper, chopper blog, clubhouse, collector, continuity, dude, fine, gang, guys, hand, hang out, hayashi, hd, Heavy, heavy-clothing.com, hopper, hoppermag, hoppermag.com, humbly pedals, japan, junk motor, junk motor.com, little bedroom, sake, secret clubhouse, secrt, shop, speed club, spread, super, the scene, tom hayashi, treasure hunting, video, vimeo, whole story, zac
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September 13, 2010 3:05 pm |
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