Damn – no joking. I was gonna put together an xs drag bike this winter for shits and giggles down at the track next spring. I was gonna use the XS motor cause they’re cheap and parts are all over the place both in junkyards and the web. Well much to my surprise today as I was cruising Zen of Neato, somebody already beat me to it. Fuck me. This bike looks good and scary too. I do not however see an air shift kit so Im wondering if this thing is real or for show??? Now I guess I gotta go KZ or maybe RD? I do love those Yamaha 2-strokes. Anyway, Im usually not one to post others content but this shit is worth the look. enjoy

Tags: at the track, beat me, chopper blog, drag bike, giggles, junkyards, kz, looks scary, rd, scary, shits and giggles, strokes, surprise, web, winter project, yamaha 2 stroke, zen, zen of neato. xs motor
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September 28, 2011 12:26 pm |
Comments (1)
I’m running around like a mad man these days. Getting ready for both the Bearded Lady and Full Tilt. My bike is at Jordan’s shop getting some fab magic. New shirts are supposed to be ready today. The heat has finally let up. Friends visited last weekend and work is work. Last night I needed to find myself so I sat on a stool in front of that damn Vespa till midnight. Zen is working in the garage.

Tags: bearded lady, bike, blog, chopper, chopper blog, friends, full tilt, shirts, summer, vespa, zen
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July 21, 2011 11:40 am |
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