I’m happy as a pig in shit when I’m knuckle deep in motor work. Got back to the xs650 motor today. Cranked the heater, split the cases, pulled the bad crank, seated the new crank and started rebuilding everything. Still need another hour or so to rebuild the top end and knock out the cam and timing but Jersey Shore is on now. I’ll save it for another night.

Tags: 650, bad, cam, cases, chopper blog, crank, heater, jersey shore, motor, motor work, night, pig in shit, rebuilding top end, seat, split, timing, xs650
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January 17, 2011 9:01 pm |
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Made our way back into MN through 70 in WI. Hooked up with 65 headed south into Minneapolis. Had the Yammy pegged coming down the highway when I heard a tiny “pop.” Instantly lost power, no throttle response. Couldn’t down shift. I actually thought my throttle cable snapped or something. Turns out she was a little too lean to be running WOT for that long. Locked it up solid and slid to a halt. I ended CHOPOUT parked on the side of the highway with a soft seize and a truck on the way. Definitely a bummer seeing as how I was only another 30 minutes from completing the ride but hey, it’s an xs650. Built cheap to ride straight into the ground. RL got a pick of me sitting roadside like a punk, waitin’ for my ride. I guess I have something to do this winter. If anyone has a spare XS motor sitting around, hit me up. I’m in the market. ~ check back with the midwest chopper blog this winter for more moto love.

Tags: 30 minutes, blog, built, bummer, cheap, chopout, chopper, chopper blog, guess, highway, little too lean, lost power, love, markte, midwest, midwest chopper, minneapolis, moto, moto love, pop, power, punk, ride, side of the highway, slid, throttle cable, throttle response, tiny, too lean, truck, winter, wot, xs motor, xs650, yammy
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September 20, 2010 1:04 pm |
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We’re 4 days out. Trying to get every ones orders shipped before we leave town. Cycles and camping ~ two things I love!
Pack your sleeping bag, a jacket and a warm hat. It might get cold out there. Speed Club will be providing maps. Looks to be a lot of xs650’s in the line up but then again, I have absolutely no way of knowing exactly how many people are going! All roads are pretty easy going. No major highways. No need to even break 45mph (David, I’m looking at you dude). Camp out with the gang. Take it easy. Food and beer is within walking distance. Speed Club will provide tunes and coffee on Sunday morning. Hit the road and meet up at Tobies on 48 for Sunday Breakfast.
Stuff to consider:
Warm Hat
A cup
Sleeping Bag
Flash light
CHOPOUT 2010 – Midwest
September 18th-19th
GOT QUESTIONS? – JUST ASK. ~ info@speedclubinc.com
Tags: 48, bag, beer, breakfast, camera, camp, chopout, coffee, cold, cycles, cycles and camping, flash light, food, gang, highway, highways, i love, ipd, jacket, leave town, love, maps, midwest, road, shades, sleeping bag, socks, speed club, sunday morning, tent, tobies, town cycles, tunes, walking distance, warm, warm hat, xs650
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September 14, 2010 7:00 am |
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– Adjust chain
– Snug some hardware
– Top her off
Had a killer weekend. Got a nice, new solo seat put on the bike and even threw some fresh seat springs on too. RL and David swung by on Saturday on their xs650 chops. David picked up a bubble shield for the fall and then we took a quick swing around the fair grounds to test out the seat springs. Reinhart came by on Sunday afternoon and we headed all the way over to East St Paul. Every place we stopped at was closed but the sun was shining and the bikes were screaming. All in all a Hella-Weekend. Now I’m just getting primed for next weekends CHOPOUT. Dig it. Join us Tuesday Night at Grumpys NE for a little CHOPOUT pre-party action.
Tags: adjust chain, bike, bikes, bubble shield, bubble shields, chain, chopout, chops, cycle, cycle maintanence, cycle maintenance, david, east st paul, fair grounds, fall, fresh, grumpy's, grumpys ne, hardware, hella weekend, killer, killer weekend, off, pre party action, reinhart, rl, screaming, seat springs, seat springs rl, shield, snug, solo seat, st paul, sun, sunday afternoon, swing, top her, tuesday, tuesday night, xs650, xs650 chop, xs650 chops
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September 12, 2010 10:17 pm |
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First Thursday Follow Up – Minneapolis. Apparently it doesn’t pay to get there early. RL showed up around 5 last night and it was like a ghost town. Picked up through the night though. Here are a few pics for the chopper blog. Everything from really clean Indian to a CB750 racer to Davids sprung xs650 bobber.

Tags: 650, blog, bobber, cb750 racer, chopper, chopper blog, chopprer, david, first thursday, ghost, ghost town, indian, last night, minneapolis, pay, racer, really, rl, sprung, town, xs650, xs650 bobber
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August 6, 2010 10:42 am |
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