The frame and tires are ready to go! This is what I call a good start. xs650 choppers and bobbers are definitely one of the easiest and most economic builds around. Granted, you can certainly turn them into a $4k hole in your wallet but at that price, why not rebuild some obscure BSA hill climber or something? This thing will be ripping through Minneapolis by the end of the week for sure. We’ll pst some more updates t the chopper blog this week.
Tags: 4k, 650 twin, BSA, builds, chopper, choppers and bobbers, easiest, econmic, frame, hill climber, hole wallet, minneaplis, minneapolis, obscure, price, road, tires, wallet, week, whitewalls, xs650, xs650 bobber, xs650 chopper
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March 28, 2010 7:00 am |
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So here it is, my Lepera seat. This things been sitting on my shelf for a year just waiting to see some action. I gt it last year for a steal at $45 beans. Last year I was running one of those cheapo $30 eBay seats. It did the job on the cheap but definitely took its toll. This year I’ve got a couple longer trips planned. Hopefully, this seat will keep my ass comfy for just a few miles more.

Tags: 30, 45, action, ass, blog, bobber, cheapo, chopper, comfy, ebay, job, lepera seat, miles, running one, seat, toll, upgrade, xs650 bobber
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March 21, 2010 7:00 am |
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