Born Free is a rad show put on by rad people with nothing but good intentions. Its an inevitable who’s-who of chopper aficionados wandering through a sea of lovers, haters and appreciators. Let’s not forget, there’s a bike given away too. How cool is that? As the show approaches, Im thinking more and more about the trip, making new friends and everything else that falls into the spirit of the whole thing. Don’t get me wrong… it would be wild to win a bike but it’s really such tiny part of a much larger plan. The longer Ive known folks like Harpoon, Grant and (locally) my HEAVY neighbors, the more I realize that we’re all one great big Speedmaster spinnin’ down the same highway. Hopefully, I’ll see you all in California.

pic courtesy of MCart.
Tags: appreciators, born free, chopper, chopper blog, cool, damn, down, fma, friends, give away, good intentions, good people, grant, harpoon, haters, Heavy, highway, lovers, neighbors, new friends, rad, same, show, speedmaster, spinnin, spirit, tiny, trip, wild, wrong
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March 30, 2012 1:46 pm |
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This is a pic I found of my buddies bike from Canada. He and some friends cruised all the way down to Born Free 3 last year only to win one of the Triumph categories. I think the category was “most freaked out triumph” or some shit? Not seen in this pic is a human nose grafted into the rear lower axle plate. This thing is powered by a little T100R Daytona motor (500cc). This dude and his friends really stood out to me as representing the spirit of the whole Born Free show. Gotta give em a lot of love. I think his name was Michael but Im almost definitely wrong. See you next year man! (pic lifted from Chop Cult)

Tags: born free 3, buddies, canada, chop, choper, chopper, chopper blog, cruised, cult, daytona, dude, freaked out, friends, human nose, love, man, man pic, most, nose, rear lower, spirit, sprirt. love, t100r, triumph, wrong
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November 28, 2011 10:22 am |
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Finally got my shovel! Cant believe the day finally came. Once I get done ripping that spike and skull crap off, I think she’ll do just fine. It was covered in garage dust the first time I saw it. Didnt realize until now but she’s got a Hi-4, chrome trans case, S&S Shorty E, and a hand full of other chrome extras that will likely get re-purposed for the build. I gotta say, I’m loving it. Did I mention the plate number is 666? Yeah – for real. I thought I was reading it wrong or some shit. Crazy!
Here’s a pic. I threw a spare wassell tank and solo seat on it. I also swapped over to a different bar for mock up purpose. I got plans to make this thing my Born Free Funky Stick! – Dig it.

Tags: 666, blog, brian, chopper, chopper blog, chrome trans, crap, crazy, day, garage, hi-4, loving, plate, rip, s&s, seat, shit, shorty, shovel, skull, solo, spike, tank, wassel, wassell, wrong
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February 25, 2011 2:43 pm |
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Yup – lookin’ around today and totally found an eagle eye shot of Doom munchin’ on some pizza! Ah!!!! I was under the impression that dudes diet consisted solely of LSD and children. Apparently… I was wrong.
Zac – catch up with you tomorrow.

Tags: bearded lady, children, diet, diet sole, doom, eagle, eagle eye, eye, fffounf, found, lokin, LSD, lsd and children, munchin', pizza, shot, wrong, yup, zac
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July 23, 2010 3:27 pm |
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