Im on fire right now son! Threw a new MK on a wheel, bars welded last night, sold some shit, bought some shit, bent up a bitch bar with New Kevin and I’ve got a vintage track racing bike project coming into the shop here shortly. I should have my frame ready for paint by Valentines Day. Donnie Smiffz here I come bitch!

Tags: bar, bent, bike, bike project, bitch, blog, bought, chopper, chopper blog, coming, day, donnie smith, frame, last night, mk, MKII, new kevin, on fire, paint, project, ready, shit, shop, shortly, sld, soon, tire, valentines, vintage track racing, welded, wheel
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February 2, 2012 4:03 pm |
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Still in progress this week. It’s been nothing but doom and gloom all day. Took Sonny with me to hang out in the garage but all he wanted to do was sit on the bike. Fact: If your kid shows interest in bikes, encourage it. Sonny rules!
by the way: Check out the custom fender I came up with. Drag/Digger/Smith-Fetrow/Crazy Frank Inspired prism fender. My first Speed Club Original. Hand hammered, shaped, and welded by Me and Mine. Taillight is tucked up underneath. Still needs a little love before paint but it’s almost there. More on that shit soon enough.
Tags: bike, bikes, blog, chopper, chopper blog, crazy frank, custom, custom fender, digger, doom, doom and gloom, drag, encurage, fender, garage, gloom, hand hammered, kid, love, me, mine, original, paint, prism, prism fender, shape, shaped, shit, shovelhead, smith fetrow, sonny, sonny rules, speed club, tail light, tucked, welded
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May 12, 2011 1:21 pm |
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