Woke up to a call from Pete. I’m late for a swap meet. Luckily I’m only 2 miles from the fairgrounds. Made a big cup of coffee and hustled my ass on over. At 8am, the swap was in full swing. Ran around solo for an hour. Scored a weird fire bell and an old oil tank. Caught up with Pete and walked the swap for another hour or two. Pete was the big winner for the day. Dig this old door.

Ran back home to knock out some yard work and frame a window. Then I was back out to Selby cause I struck a deal with Pete on an old shop truck. 1970 F100. She’s a rust bucket but she’s got charm. Came back and drove around the neighborhood all evening with my son. Finished the night with some good old Walking Dead. I love that show. Life is good.

Tags: 1970, any sunday, ass, bell, chopper blog, cup of coffee, dig, f100, fire, fire bell, full swing, hustle, life, love, neighborhood, oil tank, on any sunday, pete, rust bucket, scored, selby, swap meet, walking dead, weird
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October 16, 2011 7:24 pm |
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Been a few days since I posted anything. Busy working on some video stuff from the Full Tilt marathon weekend. Will have more up soon. In the mean time, here’s a pic of some dudes bike from Full Tilt. Gator pointed it out to me. Looks like a perfect cross between both Petes and Zacs choppers. Really really weird. Someone was apparently taking notes for some time?

Tags: blog, busy working, chopper, chopper blog, cross, dude, few days, full tilt, gator, love child, marathon, marathon weekend, mean time, pete, post, stuff, weird, zac
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July 27, 2011 10:16 pm |
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RL sent me some pics he grabbed from a few weeks back. We were kicking around the garage putting that xs back together and working on a few Pabst. Cold or not, gotta get out there and keep those projects on track. Show some garage love. On a side note, I’m usually the one taken the pics. Kinda weird seeing myself for a change.

Welcome to the chopper blog.
Tags: blog, change, chopper, chopper blog, cold, garage, garage love, grab, kicking, love, note, pabst, pics, project, rl, show, track, weeks, weird, xs
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February 14, 2011 6:00 am |
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Went to Stillwater MN over the weekend with a few friends. Weird… the closer to the water we got, the hotter it got. Stumbled across all kinds of Motorcycle Memorabilia and snapped a few shots along the way. I think the old antique store ladies thought I was coming back to rob the place or something.

Tags: antique store, blog, chopper, chopper blog, friends, hawk, honda, honda toy, hot, ladies, memorabilia, MN, motorcycle, motorcycle memorabilia, motorcycle toy, old, rob, shots, snap, stillwater, toy, water, weird
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August 30, 2010 11:34 am |
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Great question! It’s a little something the gang at Bluecat Motors recently came up with. It’s a monthly meet similar to first Thursdays where anyone and everyone came stop by the huge shop lot with your scoot, bobber, chopper, cafe racer, vintage, british or any other weird custom contraption you managed to put on the road this year! What a great idea – this winter wonderland could use more reasons to get that bike out for a night. Looks to be pretty cool so definitley come out and share the moto love. DID I MENTION THIRD THURSDAY IS TONIGHT! BlueCat Motors is located at 550 Vandalia Street just off of University in St Paul.
note: the woman in the picture below is my grandma.

Tags: 3rd, 3rd thursdays, 550, blue cat motors, bobber, bobber chopper, British, cafe racer, chopper, contraption, cool, custom, first thursdays, gang, grandma, huge, huge shop, lot, love, monthly meet, moto, moto love, pretty, road, scoot, share, shop, shop lot, st paul, third thursdays, thursday, tonight, university, vandalia, vintage, weird, weird custom, what, winter wonderland, year
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May 20, 2010 7:00 am |
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