Im on fire right now son! Threw a new MK on a wheel, bars welded last night, sold some shit, bought some shit, bent up a bitch bar with New Kevin and I’ve got a vintage track racing bike project coming into the shop here shortly. I should have my frame ready for paint by Valentines Day. Donnie Smiffz here I come bitch!

Tags: bar, bent, bike, bike project, bitch, blog, bought, chopper, chopper blog, coming, day, donnie smith, frame, last night, mk, MKII, new kevin, on fire, paint, project, ready, shit, shop, shortly, sld, soon, tire, valentines, vintage track racing, welded, wheel
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February 2, 2012 4:03 pm |
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How about tickets to witness the most bad ass of bad asses. Motorhead. Who knew gluing coco puffs to your face could look so tuff? MOTORHEAD – Feb 15th @ First Ave. …nuf said

Tags: 15, ass, bad, bad ass, bad asses, blog, chopper, chopper blog, coco, coco puffs, face, glue, idea, motorhead, nuf said, tickets, tuff, valentines, valentines ideas, witness
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January 15, 2011 9:15 am |
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