Movin on to new projects in the garage means its time to free up some cash and pass some treasures and positive vibes on to the next guy. I just added a good complete star hub and a nice Drag Specialties King Queen seat to the chopper shack. I also removed some old stuff that sold. I do have 1 or two sets of grips left and one new silver megaflake biltwell lid too. Prices are fair. Shipping is fast. Im always open to offers/trades, etc.

I also have a 1970 F100 Custom. This thing is rusty but trusty. Runs 100% perfect and I just put in a new auto C4 trans complete with 1 year warranty. Its got a 302 with little 2bbl and Ill throw in those sweet ass wooden stake body sides for FREE! Truck is in Minnesota so if you want it, you’ll have to come and get her. Drive it home. Clean and clear MN title in hand. Asking $2k-OBO Email me (info at for more info.

Tags: biltwell, cash, chopper, chopper blog, chopper shack, custom, drag, drag specialties, f100, fast, grips, king.queen, ld, new auto, new projects, new silver, old, parts, positive vibes, queen seat, seat, shipping, sold, specialties, star hub, stuff, trades, truck, warranty
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April 29, 2012 8:23 pm |
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Made our way back into MN through 70 in WI. Hooked up with 65 headed south into Minneapolis. Had the Yammy pegged coming down the highway when I heard a tiny “pop.” Instantly lost power, no throttle response. Couldn’t down shift. I actually thought my throttle cable snapped or something. Turns out she was a little too lean to be running WOT for that long. Locked it up solid and slid to a halt. I ended CHOPOUT parked on the side of the highway with a soft seize and a truck on the way. Definitely a bummer seeing as how I was only another 30 minutes from completing the ride but hey, it’s an xs650. Built cheap to ride straight into the ground. RL got a pick of me sitting roadside like a punk, waitin’ for my ride. I guess I have something to do this winter. If anyone has a spare XS motor sitting around, hit me up. I’m in the market. ~ check back with the midwest chopper blog this winter for more moto love.

Tags: 30 minutes, blog, built, bummer, cheap, chopout, chopper, chopper blog, guess, highway, little too lean, lost power, love, markte, midwest, midwest chopper, minneapolis, moto, moto love, pop, power, punk, ride, side of the highway, slid, throttle cable, throttle response, tiny, too lean, truck, winter, wot, xs motor, xs650, yammy
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September 20, 2010 1:04 pm |
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