Born Free is a rad show put on by rad people with nothing but good intentions. Its an inevitable who’s-who of chopper aficionados wandering through a sea of lovers, haters and appreciators. Let’s not forget, there’s a bike given away too. How cool is that? As the show approaches, Im thinking more and more about the trip, making new friends and everything else that falls into the spirit of the whole thing. Don’t get me wrong… it would be wild to win a bike but it’s really such tiny part of a much larger plan. The longer Ive known folks like Harpoon, Grant and (locally) my HEAVY neighbors, the more I realize that we’re all one great big Speedmaster spinnin’ down the same highway. Hopefully, I’ll see you all in California.

pic courtesy of MCart.
Tags: appreciators, born free, chopper, chopper blog, cool, damn, down, fma, friends, give away, good intentions, good people, grant, harpoon, haters, Heavy, highway, lovers, neighbors, new friends, rad, same, show, speedmaster, spinnin, spirit, tiny, trip, wild, wrong
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March 30, 2012 1:46 pm |
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Just got a text from Jordan with a pic of the tank almost complete. I’m f*cking speechless… Here’s a tiny glimpse of where we’re at. Come to the Bearded Lady Motorcycle show and Full Tilt this weekend to see it in person. Support your local chopper blogs. Check out Jordan and Union Speed & Style online and in person this weekend too.

Tags: bearded lady motorcycle show, blog, chopper, chopper blog, full tilt, glimpse, jordan, online, person, speechless, support, tank, text, tiny, union speed and style
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July 21, 2011 1:54 pm |
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Made our way back into MN through 70 in WI. Hooked up with 65 headed south into Minneapolis. Had the Yammy pegged coming down the highway when I heard a tiny “pop.” Instantly lost power, no throttle response. Couldn’t down shift. I actually thought my throttle cable snapped or something. Turns out she was a little too lean to be running WOT for that long. Locked it up solid and slid to a halt. I ended CHOPOUT parked on the side of the highway with a soft seize and a truck on the way. Definitely a bummer seeing as how I was only another 30 minutes from completing the ride but hey, it’s an xs650. Built cheap to ride straight into the ground. RL got a pick of me sitting roadside like a punk, waitin’ for my ride. I guess I have something to do this winter. If anyone has a spare XS motor sitting around, hit me up. I’m in the market. ~ check back with the midwest chopper blog this winter for more moto love.

Tags: 30 minutes, blog, built, bummer, cheap, chopout, chopper, chopper blog, guess, highway, little too lean, lost power, love, markte, midwest, midwest chopper, minneapolis, moto, moto love, pop, power, punk, ride, side of the highway, slid, throttle cable, throttle response, tiny, too lean, truck, winter, wot, xs motor, xs650, yammy
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September 20, 2010 1:04 pm |
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