I am not going to this. I wish I was. I know people who are. I’ve never been to AZ. Looks like fun. Again… I am not going. Someone please kick my ass. If you are going, please have a blast and mail me something like a picture of you having tacos or riding in the warm sunshine so I can have a reminder of how much of a god damned loser I am for flaking out. Much love to LOVE. Dig it.

Tags: chopper blog, god, loser, love cycles, mail, minnesota, much love, reminder, tacos, warm sunshine
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January 31, 2012 5:09 pm |
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Great time. Burned a few layers of skin off my face. A couple breakdowns along the way. Zac rolled out his fresh bike. Harpoon and Jeff were in town so Dave lent them a couple bikes. Harpoon was the f*ckin man on that raked girder. Kevin’s new bike destroyed peoples minds. All the usual suspects were there. Here’s a full set of pics to recap. Support your local chopper blogs!
Minnesota Chop
The Daves
Kung Fu COC
Hans and Spencer
Iowa Tail
King Diamond in need
Pete and Spencer and Tacos

Zac and Chris Magneto Trouble
Tags: blog, chopper, chopper blog, chris, coc, dave, hans, harpoon, king diamond, kung fu iowa, magneto, minnesota, minnesota chop, pete, skin, spencer, support, tacos, tail, time, zac
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June 13, 2011 11:28 am |
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Third Thursday tonight. Maybe some tacos or maybe some beers? Maybe some motorcycle or maybe some foxy ladies? …wait… I already said tacos? Bluecat Motors – Be there.

Yup, I’ve been slacking a bit. We’re moving to a new shop and trying to get the CHOPOUT plans finalized which is leaving little time for anything else. Hell, I even missed out on fellas night, last night. No tacos, no beer, no nothing. On a side note, I learned that using a spray gun for interior painting is the only way to paint! That roller BS is for chumps. New Digs photos coming soon along with some a whole Midwest garage series I’m planning for the winter. Choppers, bobbers, cafe racers, the whole thing. Check back often. Here’s a little trump I’ve been eyeballing.

Tags: back, beer, blog, bobbers, bs, cafe racers, chopout, chopper, chopper blog, choppers, chumps, fellas, fellas night, garage, garage series, hell, interior painting, little time, midwest, midwest garage series, new digs, night, photos, slack, slacking, spray gun, tacos, trump, using a spray gun, winter, yup
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August 3, 2010 8:52 am |
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I was scanning the old Church of Choppers site this afternoon and look what I found! Heavy speaking suspiciously into his hand. I think he’s saying “rebel to base – tacos on standby.” I also found this fella kicking over the bike we featured some weeks back from the Donnie Smith Bike Show. I gotta say – I thought this thing was all show but apparently she’s a driver. All very cool pics from last weekends Kung Fu Tap and Taco Dice Party in Iowa. Dig it.

Tags: afternoon, bike, bike show, church f choppers, cool, dice, dice party, donnie smith, donnie smith bike show, driver, fella, found, hand, Heavy, iowa, kick, kicking over, kung fu, kung fu tap, kung fu tap and taco, rebel, rebel to base, say, scan, show, standby, tacos, tap, tap and taco, very cool
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May 25, 2010 7:00 am |
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