Been busy. Hit the shop in the morning and knocked out my days work by noon. Headed to Rick’s to drop off a Triumph frame for some fab work. Got home just in time to sign for a UPS package (Z-bars) and feed the dog. Checked the mail on the way out only to find my Born Loser T-shirt finally arrived. (will post later) Borrowed a trailer. Moved a bike out of storage. Hit up a local watering hole. Come 1 am – I’m back at the garage and I finally tracked down that damn oil leak! This is what I call a good day. If only I had found a little time to get some riding in.
chopper blog
Tags: bike, blog, born loser, chopper, choppers, chpper blog, damn, dog, drop, fab work, feed, frame, friday, friday nights, garage, good, hit, hole, knocked out, leak, little time, nights, oil, oil leak, rick, storage, t-shirt, trailer, triumph, watering hole, z-bars
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April 9, 2011 1:15 am |
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That’s right folks. We just got some more Speed Club stickers in today so get ’em while they last. This time we’ve ordered up some rad 3.5″ circle badges. Perfect for that tool box, battery box, rear window, bumper, tank, or a lady friends nipple! Submit your name and mailing address to our form on the contact page and sweet Speed Club stickers will arrive at your door. It’s that simple.
NOTE: All t-shirt orders include a few Free stickers for good karma.

Tags: 3.5", address, badges, battery box, box, bumper, bumper tank, circle badge, club stickers, door, folks, form, free, free stickers, friend, karma, lady, lady friend, lady friends, mailing, mailing address, nipple, rad, rear window, right, shovelhead, shovelhead sticker, speed club, sticker, submit, t-shirt, tank, tool, tool box
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June 19, 2010 7:00 am |
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