Movin on to new projects in the garage means its time to free up some cash and pass some treasures and positive vibes on to the next guy. I just added a good complete star hub and a nice Drag Specialties King Queen seat to the chopper shack. I also removed some old stuff that sold. I do have 1 or two sets of grips left and one new silver megaflake biltwell lid too. Prices are fair. Shipping is fast. Im always open to offers/trades, etc.

I also have a 1970 F100 Custom. This thing is rusty but trusty. Runs 100% perfect and I just put in a new auto C4 trans complete with 1 year warranty. Its got a 302 with little 2bbl and Ill throw in those sweet ass wooden stake body sides for FREE! Truck is in Minnesota so if you want it, you’ll have to come and get her. Drive it home. Clean and clear MN title in hand. Asking $2k-OBO Email me (info at for more info.

Tags: biltwell, cash, chopper, chopper blog, chopper shack, custom, drag, drag specialties, f100, fast, grips, king.queen, ld, new auto, new projects, new silver, old, parts, positive vibes, queen seat, seat, shipping, sold, specialties, star hub, stuff, trades, truck, warranty
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April 29, 2012 8:23 pm |
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Tomorrow (Saturday) Bluecat in St Paul MN is hosting a special sales event on merch from Bell, Teknic and Scorpion. What exactly is for sale? You’re going to have to come find out. It’ll be a mix of samples and new stuff, all at great prices. It’s more than just a sale though. Live music from The Violent Shifters and the first 30 customers who spend more than $100 will receive a free tamale and grape soda from El Taco Riendo Taqueria. Sale runs from 10:00am to 3:00pm Saturday only. Get there early for the deals, stay for the band.
located at 460 North Prior Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55104
Tags: band, bell, bluecat, bluecat motors, chopper, chopper blog, customers, free, grape soda, live music, merch, MN, new stuff, sale, scorpion, shifters, st paul, st paul mn, stuff, taco, tamale, taqueria, teknic, violent shifters
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December 9, 2011 2:14 pm |
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Been a few days since I posted anything. Busy working on some video stuff from the Full Tilt marathon weekend. Will have more up soon. In the mean time, here’s a pic of some dudes bike from Full Tilt. Gator pointed it out to me. Looks like a perfect cross between both Petes and Zacs choppers. Really really weird. Someone was apparently taking notes for some time?

Tags: blog, busy working, chopper, chopper blog, cross, dude, few days, full tilt, gator, love child, marathon, marathon weekend, mean time, pete, post, stuff, weird, zac
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July 27, 2011 10:16 pm |
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Holy shit – There I am! I was just cruising the chop sites and noticed that my xs650 videos made it onto Grail’s Very cool. I’m pretty sure Grail is out of New England and his chopper blog definitely carries that flare. Check him out, lots of lathe tips and other great stuff.

Tags: 650, blog, chop, chop site, chopper, chopper blog, flare, grail, great stuff, hly shit, holy shit,, lath tips, lathe tips, new england, stuff, video, xs, xs650 video
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December 14, 2010 1:13 pm |
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Things are coming together. Got a new sleeping bag on Friday. My old one is back at my brothers house on the East Coast. Started making a list of all the stuff I need to pack. I even took a trip to REI to look at all the fancy gadgets their trying to sell. I ended up buying a pocket can opener for .59 cents and a really funny spork which I gave to my son since he’s currently learning how to use utensils. All in all I learned that a tarp, a knife, a lighter and a tin can pretty much cover the basics.
Just a couple quick reminders and useful tips for those planning on attending:
– Be Cool. This is an all INCLUSIVE event.
– Pack light but stay warm.
– There is a lodge VERY near by for most of our drinking/eating necessity.
– There are new shower facilities which include a crapper.
– Gonna crash in your sleeping bag under the stars? RECONSIDER IT. That’s some Hollywood John Wayne bullshit. Maybe a tent isn’t a horrible idea. It’s up to you. It’s your trip, not mine.
– Cash – Cash – Cash
– Cell signals are spotty. Towers are being built but sh*t happens slowly out there.
– Be nice to locals (we’re in their house).
– Warm hats are good.
– Cook a potato in the fire by wrapping it in foil and setting it in alongside the coals (45-60 min).
– Empty Zip Lock bag + air = cheap pillow
– Lastly, and perhaps most importantly…BEER. We may need beer run volunteers.
See everyone around the camp fire.
Tags: be cool, beer, beer run, blog, brother, bullshit, camp fire, can opener, cash, chopout, chopper, chopper blog, coals, crap, crapper, drinking, east coast, fancy gadgets, gonna crash, good, hats, hollywood, hollywood john wayne, horrible idea, john wayne, knife, light, lighter, locals, lock, lodge, pack, potato, REI, reminders, shit happens, sleeping bag, speed club inc, spork, spotty, stuff, tarp, tent, the lodge, tin can, tips, tower, trip, utensils, warm, warm hat, your trip, zip, zip lock
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September 7, 2010 7:00 am |
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