My workshop is down in a basement with a small street level garage entrance/exit. No windows so you can never exactly tell what time it is. A lot like a casino. I’ve got my tools and my records and my bikes and daydreams all secretly stashed down there. It’s probably one of my favorite places on earth. I typically don’t like to show off my personal space but I took this shot the other night of my most recent mock up. I dig it. blah blah.

Tags: basement, casino, chopper blog, garage, instagram, minneapolis, minnesota, panhead, st paul, stash, workshop
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September 11, 2017 3:27 pm |
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The Chopper Shack is open for business. I’ve posted a lot of parts over the holiday and am already shipping orders out. Check out the goodies and email me if you need something specific. Anything from a brake pedal to a motor. I just might have something in my stash.

Tags: brake pedal, business, chopper, chopper shack - chopper blog, goodies, hliday, motor, parts, pedal, shipping orders, stash
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November 27, 2011 3:18 pm |
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Much thanks and appreciation to Diamond Dave who was kind enough to let me stop by his garage last night for some much needed advise and inspiration. Dave’s a real cool fella. He’s got style and an endless stash of killer chopper parts. He knows his sh*t and is willing to share some knowledge. All you gotta do is listen. That’s good people.
Click here to check out some photos of Dave’s garage scene shot by Josh Kurpius from Kemosabe and the Lodge
photo by Josh Kurpius
Tags: advise, blog, chopper, chopper blog, chpoper parts, diamond, diamond dave, fella, garage, garage scene, good, good people, gotta do, greasy kulture, inspiration, josh kurpius, killer, killer chopper, kingdom, knows his shit, listen, magazine, real cool, share, stash, style
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January 6, 2011 6:00 am |
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