SPEEDCLUB is back and we’re bringing that A-game! The new packaging for the SUPER/SHIFTER is finished.
2-color screen printed indestructo boxes complete with stickers and shit.
“You want the Best – You got the Best!”
*and don’t forget to follow us on the gram @speed_club*

An original SPEEDCLUB product
available online at SPEEDCLUBINC.COM
Tags: blog, chopper parts, god chopper, harley davidson, holy shit, lord, midwest, minneapolis, motorcycle, shifter, st paul, super, superior, two
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January 20, 2015 9:18 pm |
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So fucking good, Harley Davidson wishes they’d thought of it themselves. At long last, a mid control shift set up for your HARLEY FUCKING DAVIDSON. The SUPER/SHIFT is numero uno in the business for positive shift operation in a compact, chrome finish. If you’re looking for a superior shift for your Harley Davidson, you just found it. Both the peg arm and shift arm are on a splined shaft for a perfect fit and orientation every time. The perfect compliment to your stock FX style brake control.
Tags: blog, chopper shit, chrome, harley davidson, minneapolis, minnesota, parts, shovelhead, st paul, supershifter
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January 12, 2015 1:47 pm |
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1980 Shovelhead. Titled in my name. Brand new top end rebuild including pistons, cylinders and rings. Rockers and valves we’re cleaned up and brought back to spec. New AB cam and tappets. Tin inner/outer primary on the drive side covering a primo 1.5″ primary drive. Everything is built in an old jammer frame. I’ve put about 3k miles on it since finishing the motor work. Joe Hunt mag with early cast style mag body. 70’s CCW girder. New Avons front and rear (16 and 19). Chrome has about 2 seasons on it. I’ve ridden this bike all the way to hell and back. Starts and runs like a top. This bike has been really really good to me and it’ll be real good to anyone else looking to get into a big twin. Bring cash and ride it home. I’m not willing to part out so don’t ask. $7k takes it ($6500 without the mag). If interested, email me – info@speedclubinc.com
Tags: 16, 19, avon tires, blog, ccw girder, chopper, chrome, for sale, joe hunt, magneto, minneapolis, minnesota, mothership, pistons, shovelhead, st paul, top end
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September 3, 2014 8:40 am |
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No fuss, no slow reveal bullshit. EVERYTHING AT ONCE! We have a completely new line of hard parts, a catalog, a fresh site, we’re kickstarting the instagram feed (@speed_club), and we’re going hard, bitch! Check out the shop for a full list of what we’re sitting on. We don’t do fashion here so if you’re looking for something to wear, try Abercrombie & Bitch.
Otherwise, follow us on le’ gram.
Tags: blog, chew, chopper parts, east coast, harley davidson, instagram, midwest, minneapolis, minnesota, service, st paul
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May 13, 2014 12:08 pm |