Headed over to the house of the unholy for the typical Thursday night round up. Something made me go. I was gonna sit around and watch TV but I realized this might be the last time to hang out with Gator before he leaves for FL!
Everyone was out. There’s lots to celebrate. New Kevin’s bike is in this issue of ShowClass Mag. I’ve almost got my shovelhead flywheels trued. Blaine has just about everything to start assembling his pan. There’s a swap this Sunday and I picked up a sexy girder from Pete! The bummer was that with Gator splitting, things just won’t be the same. I’m sure Gator will be back in town now and again. Here are a few quick photos I managed to snag while running around the shop.

Tags: blaine, bum, bummer, celebrate, chopper blog, gator, girder, house of the unholy, in town, last time, new kevin, pan, pete, photos, running, shop, shovelhead, show class magazine, snag, split, thursday night, TV
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October 14, 2011 2:59 am |
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I’m happy as a pig in shit when I’m knuckle deep in motor work. Got back to the xs650 motor today. Cranked the heater, split the cases, pulled the bad crank, seated the new crank and started rebuilding everything. Still need another hour or so to rebuild the top end and knock out the cam and timing but Jersey Shore is on now. I’ll save it for another night.

Tags: 650, bad, cam, cases, chopper blog, crank, heater, jersey shore, motor, motor work, night, pig in shit, rebuilding top end, seat, split, timing, xs650
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January 17, 2011 9:01 pm |
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