Our new site has a lot of really amazing photography by none other than my man in the cut, Joe Mustari. Joe’s planning a few updates to his site (mustaribrand.com) which sounds like it will end up a really rad photo blog. Check out his site and find him on instagram (mustaribrand) if you haven’t already.
It’s late and Im at the shop with Reinhart. We’re setting him up to start contributing to the site. I expect big things from this dude and so should you. Reinhart… dont mess my shit up.

The Bearded Lady Motorcycle Freak Show is always a great time and this year appears to keep the good times rolling! CT just dropped the flyer on me. Speed Club will be there as usual. Come out and say hello. Great beer, bikes, and bands. This is guaranteed to be the most diverse motorcycle event the Twin Cities has to offer.
JULY 21st, 2012
13th & University Ave NE

Tags: amp, bearded lady, bearded lady motorcycle show 2012, bikes, freak show, good times, great time, july 21st, motorcycle event, speed club, twin cities
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June 20, 2012 9:38 am |
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Can you dig it!? HEAVY himself gettin some pics of my bike for the upcoming issue of Show Class magazine! Rolled the bike out over the highway along an old caged foot bridge. Zac’s got an eye for finding places like this. Z snapped some crazy riding shots too. Nothing says gangster like a long bike in motion. By a Speed Club Tshirt. Help me get to Born Free.

Tags: bike, born free, can you dig it, chopper blog, class magazine, crazy, foot bridge, free speed, gangster, Heavy, highway, rolled, show class magazine, speed club, tshirt, Z, zac
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April 24, 2012 9:18 am |
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Or go home.

Ebony Queen ~ April 2012
Tags: 16, 54, black n chrome, chopper blog, cone shovel, degree, ebony queen, over, rake, speed club
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April 16, 2012 2:32 pm |
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