Posts tagged: snapped

Save A Buck ~ Fix it

The sh*t I’ll do to save some scratch is pretty low. My XS timing chain snapped on me while bombing back into the Twin Cities last September. After I pulled the top end off, I could see that the teeth on the cam were perfect. The crank sprocket on the other hand… DESTROYED. Not a single tooth left. Unfortunately, this crank sprocket is an obsolete part meaning I’m up sh*t creek. My options are wait it out for  an old xs motor on Craigs list for around $100 beans or just swap the crank and buy a gasket set on eBay.

I went with the replacement crank and a gasket set. The crank ran me $1.99 and the gasket set… $60. Other than an hour of open heart surgery, at least I know I’m running a clean motor with new timing chain and gaskets. The top end was still well within tolerances so I’m gonna let sleeping dogs lie with that one.

Spectacles – Testicles – Wristwatch

Jammin down the Hwy last night. Felt something scratch my neck. Wind caught my damn glasses and whipped them up out of my front shirt pocket. Snapped the stupid pocket shut and everything too. Now I guess I’m gonna have to pull a zac doom for a few days while I scramble up a new pair. Here’s what I’ve picked out.

Pretty sweet huh. All Tron and shit!

Back to the 50’s – Minnesota

Speed Club’s first love will always be cycles but when you’re given the gift of Back to the 50’s each year, how can you not take a moment to give the weekend it’s due respect and appreciation. Here are a few pics I snapped between hitting the swap and strolling through the car show. …enjoy.