It’s was a sh*t day all Sunday but you can’t stop the swap. I did get rid of all my little junk parts but as usual, I spent more than I made. Who cares. I’m not in it to turn a buck – I’m just doin it till my adult film career takes off.

Scored a Super E with new filter and tear drop cover. I also got a cool H1 drag rear wheel. I mostly just wanted the 18″ rim but the drag slick will have a permanent place on my wall of cool. Maybe I’ll post a pic of it here shortly.
Tags: 18" rim, adult film, adult film career, blog, chopper, chopper blog, cool, cover, day, drag slick, drag wheel, film career, filter, H1, junk, little, rear wheel, rid, rim, shot, slick, spent, super e, swap, tear drop, turn a buck, wall, wheel, who cares
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September 21, 2011 7:35 pm |
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St Patty’s day I headed to the House of the Temple of the Wolf. Between Zac, Dave and Gator, these dudes have attempted most every part combination you can think of. I usually save myself a lot of frustration by just hanging around, asking questions and gettin my learnin on. Met some cool people as always, had a couple beers and stared at a pant load of Magnetos. That shit is right on time. I gotta think about gettin me one.

Snapped a couple pics with the camera phone and when I got home and looked at them I realized I had the fixins for a pretty slick panoramic. Click the above image and check it out full size. Dig it!
Tags: blog, camera, chopper, chopper blog, combo, cool, couple beers, dave, day, dig, dig it, dudes, fixins, frustration, gator, house, house of the temple of the wolf, learnin, learning, load, magneto, magnetos, on time, pant, pant load, right, right on time, shit, slick, snap, st, st patty, st pattys day, temple, wolf, zac
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March 18, 2011 9:04 pm |
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All kinds of crazy super flashy stuff at the international bike show. Not really my scene personally but there are always some really great classics at these shows. Here are a couple images that came back from a buddy. A sweet Scout – “Wall-o-Death” style along with a slick little flat tracker and a very cool board track racer.

Tags: biddy, bike, bike show, blog, board track, board track racer, chopper, chopper blog, classics, cool, cool board, couple images, death, flat track, international bike, international bike show, intl, little, o death, race, racer, scene, scout, show, slick, sweet, track racer, wall, wall o death
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February 16, 2011 6:00 am |
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Ripped from the pages of yesteryears. It says “WT.” I have no idea where this thing came from but I’ve officially decided that WT stands for “White Trash.” I’ve also decided that “FB” stands for “Finger Bang.” This guys Triumph is pretty sick and unbelievably clean. Maybe White Trash doesn’t really fit this image but I dont care. Dig that 18″ Avon Slick with exposed clutch and totally bitchin’ rear sets! This thing is built with style and slicker than snot!

Tags: 18" avon, avon, bitchin, blog, bobber blog, chopper blog, clean, clutch, drag bikes, exposed clutch, fb, finger bang, idea, motorcycle, motorcycle blog, pretty, rear, rear set, ripped, sick, slick, slicker, snot, speed club, stand, style, triumph, white trash, WT, yesteryears
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April 15, 2010 7:00 am |
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