We’re 4 days out. Trying to get every ones orders shipped before we leave town. Cycles and camping ~ two things I love!
Pack your sleeping bag, a jacket and a warm hat. It might get cold out there. Speed Club will be providing maps. Looks to be a lot of xs650’s in the line up but then again, I have absolutely no way of knowing exactly how many people are going! All roads are pretty easy going. No major highways. No need to even break 45mph (David, I’m looking at you dude). Camp out with the gang. Take it easy. Food and beer is within walking distance. Speed Club will provide tunes and coffee on Sunday morning. Hit the road and meet up at Tobies on 48 for Sunday Breakfast.
Stuff to consider:
Warm Hat
A cup
Sleeping Bag
Flash light
CHOPOUT 2010 – Midwest
September 18th-19th
GOT QUESTIONS? – JUST ASK. ~ info@speedclubinc.com
Tags: 48, bag, beer, breakfast, camera, camp, chopout, coffee, cold, cycles, cycles and camping, flash light, food, gang, highway, highways, i love, ipd, jacket, leave town, love, maps, midwest, road, shades, sleeping bag, socks, speed club, sunday morning, tent, tobies, town cycles, tunes, walking distance, warm, warm hat, xs650
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September 14, 2010 7:00 am |
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Things are coming together. Got a new sleeping bag on Friday. My old one is back at my brothers house on the East Coast. Started making a list of all the stuff I need to pack. I even took a trip to REI to look at all the fancy gadgets their trying to sell. I ended up buying a pocket can opener for .59 cents and a really funny spork which I gave to my son since he’s currently learning how to use utensils. All in all I learned that a tarp, a knife, a lighter and a tin can pretty much cover the basics.
Just a couple quick reminders and useful tips for those planning on attending:
– Be Cool. This is an all INCLUSIVE event.
– Pack light but stay warm.
– There is a lodge VERY near by for most of our drinking/eating necessity.
– There are new shower facilities which include a crapper.
– Gonna crash in your sleeping bag under the stars? RECONSIDER IT. That’s some Hollywood John Wayne bullshit. Maybe a tent isn’t a horrible idea. It’s up to you. It’s your trip, not mine.
– Cash – Cash – Cash
– Cell signals are spotty. Towers are being built but sh*t happens slowly out there.
– Be nice to locals (we’re in their house).
– Warm hats are good.
– Cook a potato in the fire by wrapping it in foil and setting it in alongside the coals (45-60 min).
– Empty Zip Lock bag + air = cheap pillow
– Lastly, and perhaps most importantly…BEER. We may need beer run volunteers.
See everyone around the camp fire.
Tags: be cool, beer, beer run, blog, brother, bullshit, camp fire, can opener, cash, chopout, chopper, chopper blog, coals, crap, crapper, drinking, east coast, fancy gadgets, gonna crash, good, hats, hollywood, hollywood john wayne, horrible idea, john wayne, knife, light, lighter, locals, lock, lodge, pack, potato, REI, reminders, shit happens, sleeping bag, speed club inc, spork, spotty, stuff, tarp, tent, the lodge, tin can, tips, tower, trip, utensils, warm, warm hat, your trip, zip, zip lock
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September 7, 2010 7:00 am |
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CHOPOUT 2010 – presented by SpeedClubINC.com

We’re getting the hell out of town for one last ride for the season on September 18 and 19th. This is a Saturday and Sunday, 300 mile round trip and you’re invited. We’re leaving after breakfast and heading east into WI. Camp out. Next day cruise back west into MN and then south to the Twin Cities. This is a bring-your-own-shit, ride and camp out thing. Contact Speed Club INC for all the ride details including map, camp destination and specifics on the route.
Dont forget your:
sleeping bag
extra socks
break down back-up plan
How Much: $10-20/per person, per night for camp site. You get a spot on the grassy knoll next to the second gunman. There’s a lake and toilets and the lodge with grub, beer and AC/Heat depending on the weather. Well worth the minimal cash so don’t be a tight ass.
What to do: Absolutely nothing. There are a couple bars and gas stations for food and drink and there’s always good old Phipps. Make some friends, rest up, share some laughs, shit it in the woods.
Things you should know: The ride is open to anyone with the right attitude. No chase trucks, no banners, no products, no nothing. Just one last little adventure for the season. Food is on you. Yes, there are definitely bears and yes, they will come out looking for that cheese burger wrapper you left in the dirt next to your bike. SO… be smart and try not to get killed. It’s not a race. Have a fun time and enjoy the ride.
brought to you by SpeedClubINC.com
Tags: ac, adventure, ass, backup plan, bag, banners, bars, bears, beer, bike, break down, breakfast, byos, camp, camp out, camp site, cash, chase truck, cheese burger, chopout 2010, cities, destination, dirt, drink, enjoy, fod, food and drink, friends, fun, fun time, gas station, gas stations, get killed, grassy knoll, grub, gum, heat, hell, jacket, last ride, laughs, little adventure, lodge, map, MN, phipps, phone, products, race, rest, ride, ride details, route, saturday, saturday and sunday, season, season food, second gunman, september, september 18, share, shit, shit in the woods, sleeping bag, smart, smokes, socks, specifics, speed club, sunglasses, the lodge, tight ass, toilets, twin, twin cities, wi, woods, yes
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August 16, 2010 7:00 am |
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