Needs a rebuild but overall it’s in good condition. It’s a 77 and includes bill of sale. A couple small odds and ends are needed but it’s pretty much all there. Id sell it as it sits or Ill split the top and bottom for the right price. Looking for maybe 1500 or best offer. Call the shop if you’re interested.
Speed Club – 651-968-0263
So that Davenport shovelhead motor I picked up turned out to be a keeper after all. I was really looking to flip it for a while but now that I started the rebuild, I have to finish it. And if I’m gonna spend the time to build it, I’m gonna keep her around for a while. Crank properly trued to within .001. Took me all damn day to get it just so. Checked the pinion side for a plug fit with .0002 over bearings. Pressed new sprocket side together and slipped the pinion half back together. Buttoned it up and checked end play. All well within spec. I got a really really clean Andrews AB cam from Gator last week. Gonna get that thing spaced out today. Top end coming soon.

Ideally, this thing will be a sweet mantle piece until I decide what to throw it in.
Tags: 74", andrews ab, bearings, cam, chopper blog, crank, davenport, end play, flip it, keep her around, love, mantle piece, motor, pinion, plug fit, pressed, rebuild, shovel, shovelhead, shovelhead motor
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October 21, 2011 11:28 am |
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///Shovelhead Motor – Sold///
The motor has headed down the road to another for a well needed/deserved rebuild. I’m sure I’ll see that motor again some day (being put to goo use I’m sure). We’re still on the lookout for a 4sp Ratchet top and/or shovelhead hardtail frame. If you or anyone you know has something to get rid of, please contact info@speedclubinc.com. Much love to the chopper gods. More chopper blog to come.

Tags: 4 sp, 4sp rtchet top, blog, chopper, chopper blog, chopper gods, down the road, frame, hardtail, hardtail frame, lookout, love, lt, motor, much love, ratchet top, rebuild, rid, shovelhead, shovelhead hardtail, shovelhead motor, speed club inc, sticker, the road
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July 12, 2010 9:35 am |
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Zac (Heavy-Clothing.com) and Dave stopped by the over the weekend to check out a shovelhead motor. Sounds like Dave has a project in mind. Hung out in the garage for a while talking about all kinds of random shit. These guys are good people. Been all around and are really doing something all their own. Check out the Zac’s site, support HEAVY and the boys. Here’s a shot I snagged for the chopper blog just before they headed out.

Tags: blog, boys, chopper, chopper blog, chopper dave, dave, dave chopper, diamond, diamond dave, doom, garage, good people, heavy and the boys, heavy-clothing, heavy-clothing.com, motor, motor sounds, project, random shit, shit, shovelhead, shovelhead motor, weekend, zac, zac and dave chopper, Zac Doom
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June 29, 2010 7:00 am |
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We’ve returned from the shovelhead underground. Managed to come out the other side with a couple shovelhead motors. One complete and the other is a basketcase shovelhead. The dude I bought everything from is a pretty cool fella. The more we hung out the more stuff he threw in with the deal. Managed to drive off with 2 motors, coils, carbs, a spare engine stand, a set of straight pipes and he even tossed in a few books and hard parts catalogs. I gave him a list of some other odds and ends that I’ve been looking for so hopefully I’ll be headed back soon for a few more goodies. Speed Club Approved.
Tags: basketcase, basketcase shovelhead, books, bought, carbs, catalog, coils, cool, couple, dude, engine stand, fella, goodies, ground, hard parts, motor, motors, odds and ends, parts catalogs, pipes, pretty cool, shovelhead, shovelhead motor, shovelhead motors, shovelhead underground, spare, speed club, straight pipes, under
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June 16, 2010 11:03 am |
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