Tomorrow (Saturday) Bluecat in St Paul MN is hosting a special sales event on merch from Bell, Teknic and Scorpion. What exactly is for sale? You’re going to have to come find out. It’ll be a mix of samples and new stuff, all at great prices. It’s more than just a sale though. Live music from The Violent Shifters and the first 30 customers who spend more than $100 will receive a free tamale and grape soda from El Taco Riendo Taqueria. Sale runs from 10:00am to 3:00pm Saturday only. Get there early for the deals, stay for the band.
located at 460 North Prior Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55104
Tags: band, bell, bluecat, bluecat motors, chopper, chopper blog, customers, free, grape soda, live music, merch, MN, new stuff, sale, scorpion, shifters, st paul, st paul mn, stuff, taco, tamale, taqueria, teknic, violent shifters
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December 9, 2011 2:14 pm |
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Mark yo calendars bitches! Speed Club will have the booth up again, same as last year. Shirts and the like for sale. Check out the Bearded Lady freak Show Site here. Dig it.

Tags: bearded lady, bearded lady motorcycle freak show 2011, bitches, both, calendars, chopper blog, dig it, freak show, sale, shirts, speed club, year, yo
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June 30, 2011 4:00 pm |
Comments Off on Coming very – very soon
Anyone looking for Invader Wheels? I know a dude. Tires are in great shape. Definitely another season or two left on them. Wheels have a little rust here and there but could probably clean up. The front is 21″ and the rear is a 15″. The front wheel needs a new hub but you can probably scoop one up at a swap or via Halcraft. Email me if interested and I’ll get you in touch. Front end is SOLD.

Tags: 15, 21", blog, chopper, chopper blog, chrome, front end, great shape, halcraft, hub, invader wheels, invider wheels, rust, sale, scoop, season, sold, tires, wheel, wheels
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April 18, 2011 10:58 am |
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Been holding out for a warmer day so I could sneak out to the garage and knock out my popes hat sissy bar. Finally decided not to let the Minnesota weather get between me and my welding. Put the kid down for a nap and got to it. Just needs a little touch up with the grinder and the Yammy is out of here. If you’re looking for an XS650 chopper that runs like a rapped date – hit me up. Everything was gone over this winter and it will officially be for sale sometime in the next week or so. Check craigslist,, egay, etc, etc.

dig it.
Tags: bar, blog, chopper, chopper blog, craigslist, down, ebay, egay, fender, garage, grinder, hat, kid, knock out, little touch, minnesota, minnesota weather, nap, pope, pope hat, popes hat, runs, sale, sissy bar, welding, winter, xs650 chopper,, yamaha, yammy
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March 28, 2011 6:00 am |
Comments Off on Does the Pope wear a Funny Hat?
Vintage ’64 Vespa VNB
Body in Great Shape. Beatles Yellow New paint. Motor rebuilt from split cases up. Nothing overlooked. Everything new. Electronic ignition. Stock 125cc motor w/ newer 3 port 150cc top end. Mikuni Race carb set up. New wire harness which I already routed through out the entire body. All you need to do is reassemble and plug in the stator and reg/rectifier (also new and included) and you’re ready for spring. You name it, I’ve fixed, cleaned or replaced it. Looking for quick cash for yet another project.
Come and get it today for $1200. Easy winter resto project. Hell, I’ll even help you if you want.

Tags: 125, 150, 64, beatles, blog, body, cash, chopper, chopper blog, electronic ignition, hell, mikuni, MN, motor, project, quick sale, reg, sale, shape, stator, vespa, vintage, winter resto, yellow
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January 21, 2011 11:46 am |
Comments (2)