We’re 4 days out. Trying to get every ones orders shipped before we leave town. Cycles and camping ~ two things I love!
Pack your sleeping bag, a jacket and a warm hat. It might get cold out there. Speed Club will be providing maps. Looks to be a lot of xs650’s in the line up but then again, I have absolutely no way of knowing exactly how many people are going! All roads are pretty easy going. No major highways. No need to even break 45mph (David, I’m looking at you dude). Camp out with the gang. Take it easy. Food and beer is within walking distance. Speed Club will provide tunes and coffee on Sunday morning. Hit the road and meet up at Tobies on 48 for Sunday Breakfast.
Stuff to consider:
Warm Hat
A cup
Sleeping Bag
Flash light
CHOPOUT 2010 – Midwest
September 18th-19th
GOT QUESTIONS? – JUST ASK. ~ info@speedclubinc.com
Tags: 48, bag, beer, breakfast, camera, camp, chopout, coffee, cold, cycles, cycles and camping, flash light, food, gang, highway, highways, i love, ipd, jacket, leave town, love, maps, midwest, road, shades, sleeping bag, socks, speed club, sunday morning, tent, tobies, town cycles, tunes, walking distance, warm, warm hat, xs650
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September 14, 2010 7:00 am |
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Took a few hours to sneak away from the wife and kid for a Sunday ride with E and Ty. Went up 65 to Fatboys for a beer and air conditioning. Feels like a hundred and ten degrees out there on top of the asphalt. Somewhere along the way I lost my plate but quickly recovered it (and kept it in my pocket) for the duration of the afternoon. Hit up a few more spots out in Little Canada, Roseville and Shoreview. Eventually had to call it for the day. Supposed to be hot all week. Suppose it could be worse (raining).

Tags: 65, afternoon, air conditioning, all week, ashpalt, asphalt, ate, ber, duration, e, fatboy, fatboys, hit up, hundred, kid, little canada, lost my plate, plate, pocket, raining, road, roseville, shoreview, sneak, sneak away, spot, sunday ride, ten, top, ty, wife, wife and kid
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August 8, 2010 5:55 pm |
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Howdy All- We’ve got some new ideas that we’re gonna introduce down the chopper blog road. Something special straight out of the wild Midwest. Something completely back to basics. A long time in the making and it’s gonna be killer. Stay tuned and we promise we’ll unveil soon.

Tags: back to basics, blog, chop, chopout, chopper, chopper blog, down the chopper blog road, howdy, killer, long time, midwest, new idea, promise, road, stay tuned, straight out, unveil, wild
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July 28, 2010 10:02 am |
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Great question! It’s a little something the gang at Bluecat Motors recently came up with. It’s a monthly meet similar to first Thursdays where anyone and everyone came stop by the huge shop lot with your scoot, bobber, chopper, cafe racer, vintage, british or any other weird custom contraption you managed to put on the road this year! What a great idea – this winter wonderland could use more reasons to get that bike out for a night. Looks to be pretty cool so definitley come out and share the moto love. DID I MENTION THIRD THURSDAY IS TONIGHT! BlueCat Motors is located at 550 Vandalia Street just off of University in St Paul.
note: the woman in the picture below is my grandma.

Tags: 3rd, 3rd thursdays, 550, blue cat motors, bobber, bobber chopper, British, cafe racer, chopper, contraption, cool, custom, first thursdays, gang, grandma, huge, huge shop, lot, love, monthly meet, moto, moto love, pretty, road, scoot, share, shop, shop lot, st paul, third thursdays, thursday, tonight, university, vandalia, vintage, weird, weird custom, what, winter wonderland, year
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May 20, 2010 7:00 am |
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Have you checked out the forum lately? one of our very own has posted a wicked informative forum topic under the tech section describing the process for transforming a titleless cycle into a legit, registered, vehicle. I read it myself and even went along with him during the process. It sounds too easy to be true but it was totally for real. Read the article, get to your local DMV w/ your paperwork and lets get those abandoned motorcycle back on the road.
Here’s the link:
Tags: bonded, cycle legit, dmv, easy, forum, forum topic, informative forum, minnesota, motorcycle, paperwork, process, registered, road, sound, title, topic, true, vehicle, wicked
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April 13, 2010 7:00 am |
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