St Patty’s day I headed to the House of the Temple of the Wolf. Between Zac, Dave and Gator, these dudes have attempted most every part combination you can think of. I usually save myself a lot of frustration by just hanging around, asking questions and gettin my learnin on. Met some cool people as always, had a couple beers and stared at a pant load of Magnetos. That shit is right on time. I gotta think about gettin me one.

Snapped a couple pics with the camera phone and when I got home and looked at them I realized I had the fixins for a pretty slick panoramic. Click the above image and check it out full size. Dig it!
Tags: blog, camera, chopper, chopper blog, combo, cool, couple beers, dave, day, dig, dig it, dudes, fixins, frustration, gator, house, house of the temple of the wolf, learnin, learning, load, magneto, magnetos, on time, pant, pant load, right, right on time, shit, slick, snap, st, st patty, st pattys day, temple, wolf, zac
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March 18, 2011 9:04 pm |
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That’s right. You can all bare witness to yet another young mans introduction into life on two wheels. Congrats J. That is one sweet little machine you got there. You rule dude.

Tags: blog, chopper, chopper blog, congrats, dude, life, life on two wheels, little, machine, right, rule, sweet, two wheels, witness
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March 14, 2011 6:00 am |
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That’s right folks. We just got some more Speed Club stickers in today so get ’em while they last. This time we’ve ordered up some rad 3.5″ circle badges. Perfect for that tool box, battery box, rear window, bumper, tank, or a lady friends nipple! Submit your name and mailing address to our form on the contact page and sweet Speed Club stickers will arrive at your door. It’s that simple.
NOTE: All t-shirt orders include a few Free stickers for good karma.

Tags: 3.5", address, badges, battery box, box, bumper, bumper tank, circle badge, club stickers, door, folks, form, free, free stickers, friend, karma, lady, lady friend, lady friends, mailing, mailing address, nipple, rad, rear window, right, shovelhead, shovelhead sticker, speed club, sticker, submit, t-shirt, tank, tool, tool box
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June 19, 2010 7:00 am |
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Talk about a fine Triumph. This is the Baron Scrambler. Looks like a nice little dirt tracker. All the right pieces are there and all the junk has been scraped away. He’s running the enduro tires, heavy sprung seat, wide bars, custom tank, and drag pipes all tied together on that hardtail frame with the pre-unit trump motor. I really really like this thing. It reminds me of a T100R I used to have out in Boston. Triumph’s have got that “great lines” factor that you just dont see in a lot of bikes or custom builds these days. A tip of the hat to those chrome fork covers. …very nice.

Tags: baron scrambler, bars, bikes, blog, bobber, bobber blog, boston, chopper, chopper blog, chrome fork covers, covers, custom, custom builds, custom tank, dirt, dirt tracker, drag, drag pipes, enduro, enduro tires, factor, fork, fork covers, frame, great lines, hardtail, hardtail frame, hat, Heavy, junk, little nice, motor, piece, pipes, pre unit, right, scrambler, scraped, seat, sprung, sprung seat, t100r, tank, tied, tip, tip of the hat, tires, tracker, triumph, triumph scrambler, trump, trump motor, wide
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April 27, 2010 9:44 am |
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