I am not going to this. I wish I was. I know people who are. I’ve never been to AZ. Looks like fun. Again… I am not going. Someone please kick my ass. If you are going, please have a blast and mail me something like a picture of you having tacos or riding in the warm sunshine so I can have a reminder of how much of a god damned loser I am for flaking out. Much love to LOVE. Dig it.

Tags: chopper blog, god, loser, love cycles, mail, minnesota, much love, reminder, tacos, warm sunshine
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January 31, 2012 5:09 pm |
Comments (1)
Chopout reminder.
September 18th. 2010.
See sidebar link.
See midwest chopper events forum post.
Inquire for details.

Don’t forget. The Mods vs Rockers ride is coming up next Saturday the 5th of June. Get that last minute tuning done and get your ass out there. Scooters meet up at Psycho Suzie’s. Bikes meet up at Grumpy’s North East – Minneapolis. Dig it.

Tags: 2010, bikes, dig it, grumpy's, june 5th, last minute, minneapolis, mods vs. rockers, north east, psycho, psycho suzie's, reminder, rockers, saturday, scooters, speed club
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May 29, 2010 7:00 am |
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Just a reminder – Tomorrow night is First Thursday in Downtown Minneapolis at and around Dulono’s Pizza (Lake Street) in Uptown. Last months gathering was one for the record books. This month should rival last if the weather holds out.. Get that bike out and swing by for the festivities. As always – early birds get the primo spots. Speed Club will see you there. Who knows – Maybe your bike will show up on the chopper blog?

Tags: bike, blog, bobber, bobber blog, chopper, chopper blog, downtown, downtown minneapolis, duluno's pizza, early bird, early birds, festivities, first thursday, lake street, minneapolis, month, pizza, primo, primo spot, record, record books, reminder, rival, speed club, spot, swing, tomorrow night, uptown, weather
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May 5, 2010 7:00 am |
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