All kinds of crazy super flashy stuff at the international bike show. Not really my scene personally but there are always some really great classics at these shows. Here are a couple images that came back from a buddy. A sweet Scout – “Wall-o-Death” style along with a slick little flat tracker and a very cool board track racer.

Tags: biddy, bike, bike show, blog, board track, board track racer, chopper, chopper blog, classics, cool, cool board, couple images, death, flat track, international bike, international bike show, intl, little, o death, race, racer, scene, scout, show, slick, sweet, track racer, wall, wall o death
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February 16, 2011 6:00 am |
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First Thursday Follow Up – Minneapolis. Apparently it doesn’t pay to get there early. RL showed up around 5 last night and it was like a ghost town. Picked up through the night though. Here are a few pics for the chopper blog. Everything from really clean Indian to a CB750 racer to Davids sprung xs650 bobber.

Tags: 650, blog, bobber, cb750 racer, chopper, chopper blog, chopprer, david, first thursday, ghost, ghost town, indian, last night, minneapolis, pay, racer, really, rl, sprung, town, xs650, xs650 bobber
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August 6, 2010 10:42 am |
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So tomorrow (the 15th of July) is 3rd Thursday. This is a lot like first Thursday… only 2 weeks later and at hosted in and around the BlueCat Shop. Never been to Bluecat Motors? Here’s the link. Speed Club will be in attendance so make sure you say hello. Bring out your cicle cause we’re always looking for stuff to photograph. Who knows, you might see yourself here on the site! This is an all bikes are welcome kinda thing. Lots of xs650’s, KZ’s, CB’s, GT’s, etc, etc, etc. We hope to see all of you out there.

Tags: 15th, 1st thursday, 2 weeks, all bikes, attendance, bg, bikes, blog, bluecat, bluecat motors, cafe, cafe racer, cb, chopper, chopper blog, cicle, first thursday, gt, hell, hello, july, kz, link, link speed, motorcycle mania, out, photograph, racer, shop, site, speed club, st paul, xs650, yourself
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July 14, 2010 7:00 am |
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