//////////MODS vs ROCKERS Minneapolis 2010 – tomorrow, June 5th. Be there Bitches!\\\\\\\\\\
<<<<<Bikes at Grumpys – Scoots at Psych Suzies – End at Bluecat.>>>>>
~ photo regretfully removed by uptight white chick ~
p.s. – yes, i totally stole this pic from someone on flickr.
You can tell the mod chick is a prude cause she held back on showing some nip.
Tags: bitches, bluecat, flickr, grumpy's, june 5th, minneapolis, mods, mods vs rockers 2010 minneapolis, mods vs. rockers, pic, psycho suzie's, rockers, stole, tomorrow, yes
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June 4, 2010 7:00 am |
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Don’t forget. The Mods vs Rockers ride is coming up next Saturday the 5th of June. Get that last minute tuning done and get your ass out there. Scooters meet up at Psycho Suzie’s. Bikes meet up at Grumpy’s North East – Minneapolis. Dig it.

Tags: 2010, bikes, dig it, grumpy's, june 5th, last minute, minneapolis, mods vs. rockers, north east, psycho, psycho suzie's, reminder, rockers, saturday, scooters, speed club
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May 29, 2010 7:00 am |
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That’s right folks. Swung by Blue Cat Motors yesterday to drop off a scooter for consignment. While I was there, I grabbed tons of hand bills for lots of great new events coming up this summer here in the Twin Cities. Todays post presents the Minneapolis/St Paul Mods vs Rockers ride which is hosted yearly by Blue Cat Motors. This years “MvR” will be on June 5th, 2010. Bikes meet up at Grumpy’s Northeast. Scoots meet at Psycho Suzie’s North East. Be there by 12:20-1:30 and then g for a short ride ending at the Blue Cat shop. Last year was a bit of a wash out but none-the-less, there was quite a turn out. Be There or Be Square.

Tags: be there or be square, bikes, blue cat, blue cat motors, cat shop, consignment, grumpy's, hand bills, minneapolis, minneapolis st paul, mods vs rockers minneapolis, mods vs rockers st paul, mods vs rockers twin cities, mods vs. rockers, psycho, psycho suzie's, ride, rockers, scooter, scoots, shop, st paul, summer, twin cities, wash out
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May 18, 2010 9:25 am |
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