Talk about a fine Triumph. This is the Baron Scrambler. Looks like a nice little dirt tracker. All the right pieces are there and all the junk has been scraped away. He’s running the enduro tires, heavy sprung seat, wide bars, custom tank, and drag pipes all tied together on that hardtail frame with the pre-unit trump motor. I really really like this thing. It reminds me of a T100R I used to have out in Boston. Triumph’s have got that “great lines” factor that you just dont see in a lot of bikes or custom builds these days. A tip of the hat to those chrome fork covers. …very nice.

Tags: baron scrambler, bars, bikes, blog, bobber, bobber blog, boston, chopper, chopper blog, chrome fork covers, covers, custom, custom builds, custom tank, dirt, dirt tracker, drag, drag pipes, enduro, enduro tires, factor, fork, fork covers, frame, great lines, hardtail, hardtail frame, hat, Heavy, junk, little nice, motor, piece, pipes, pre unit, right, scrambler, scraped, seat, sprung, sprung seat, t100r, tank, tied, tip, tip of the hat, tires, tracker, triumph, triumph scrambler, trump, trump motor, wide
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April 27, 2010 9:44 am |
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So here’s the Rusty Chop about 3 hours into assembly. I was in charge of snapping photos and drinking his beers. I think I did a damn god job myself. The Rusty Chop looks good too. It’s a ’79 xs650 with a kansas customs hardtail, maxis whhitewalls, my custom chopper wiring, and a sporty tank. Unseen is a set of custom made shorty pipes and a prettt heavy duty rear fender. Those whitewalls add just the right touch of bling to this rusty rocket. Check back daily. More chopper blog to come.

Tags: 79, beers, bling, blog, chop, chopper blog, chopper wiring, custom, custom chopper, customs, daily, drinking beer, fender, god job, hardtail, kansas kustoms, maxis, photos, pipes, rear fender, rocket, rusty, rusty rocket, shorty pipes, snap, sporty tank, tank, touch, whitewalls, xs650
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March 30, 2010 7:00 am |
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Gringo and Mickey’s Moto Psych Swap Meet is back at the St. Paul Armory on March 14th.
There was a lot of great stuff out there last time including the dude from LifeisFuct with a bunch of merch. Inner primary, spoke wheels, jet kits, drag pipes, helmets, leather, you name it… It’s there. Speed Club was also in attendance. We got rid of a bunch of stuff from the garage including an awesome cafe headlight and tail section from an old cafe Sportster. That’s right… Midwest cycle freaks be there.
Dig it
Tags: armory, armry, attendance, belt drive, drag pipes, freaks, freaks. inner primary, great stuff, gringo, gringo and mickey's, helmets, jet kits, last time, leather, lifeisfuct, mickey, midwest, moto, moto psycho swap meet, old cafe, pipes, psych, psycho, speed club, spoke wheels, sportster, st paul, swap meet, wheels
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March 12, 2010 10:43 am |
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