That’s right. We got some business and pints to tend to out in Bean town. Packin our bags and hoppin’ a plane to spread the midwest moto love. If there’s one thing I can say for sure after living the for so many years it’s this; Boston is such a great place to visit but I wouldnt want to live there. Truth be told, Boz-stone is the home of the biggest bunch of cop pricks I’ve ever encountered. I got stories of being followed, spit on, and stepped on. I got ticketed more times in one year than I’ve ever received in my entire life!
All that said – Take it from a big stinkin’ Irish f*ck like myself. Boston IS the greatest place on earth to get bombed. Any of you Boston readers want to sell me some parts, shoot me an email and we’ll try to connect.
Pics will be posted to the chopper blog.
Tags: bean, bean town, big, big stinkin, biggest, blog, bomb, bombed, boston, boston readers, chopper, chopper blog, ck, cop, cop prick, culture, cycle culture, email, followed, get bombed, going to boston, greatest place on erath, hoppin, irish, irish fuck, life, live, love, midwest, midwest moto psycho, moto, moto love, one, one year, parts, pints, place on earth, prick, pricks, psycho, sell me, shoot, shoot me, some parts, speed club, spit, spit on, stinkin, stinkin irish, stinkin irish fuck, stories, ticketed, town, truth, visit, year
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September 29, 2010 12:18 pm |
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Title says it all. Coming along for the ride? Cool. Cant make it but still wanna shoot the breeze with Speed Club and friends? Cool. Meet us Tuesday night, 8PM at Grumpys NE for a few pints. Share some laughs and bring $1’s for the juke box. Lots of punk classics, Guinness on tap, and the stench of stale beer and b.o.

Tags: $1's, 8PM, beer, blog, bo, chopper, chopper blog, chouout, classics, cool, grumpys ne, guinness, juke box, pints, pre party, punk, ride, shoot the breeze, speed club, stale beer, stench, tuesday, tuesday night, wanna
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September 13, 2010 7:00 am |
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I come from Boston – which basically means beer is a meal; and by beer I mean Guinness. Swung by grumpy’s the other night after dropping the hardtail off at Druncle’s garage. Grumpy’s has $6 flights. For those who dont know what a flight is; its your choice of 4 domestic or import beers served in mini pints (4oz.) on a cutting board. 4 Guinness please, and a burger.

Tags: beer, boston, burger, cutting board, domestic, flight, flights, garage, grumpy's, guinness, hardtail, import, import beers, meal, pints
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March 26, 2010 7:00 am |
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The Speed Club gang met up last night for pints and brain storming. We hit up te Red Stag and Britts for pints. Everything in the RS is tinted red like an old porn movie and Britts is about as UK pub as you can get in the Midwest. Here’s a pic of Rusty and his Grain Belt.

With the new website and the Midwest riding season fast approaching, we needed to make sure we are covering all the local bases. We’re planning on being sponsors for a few Minneapolis motorcycle events and we’re even considering arranging a smaller group ride way up north into iron country. We’re working on bringing in products to the website for SAE and Metric bikes and with the seasons biggest swap meet coming up this weekend, I’m personally hoping to have some great stuff to toss up in the classifieds section.
Tags: bikes, brain, brain storming, britts, classifieds, classifieds section, events, grain belt, great stuff, iron country, local, metric, midwest, minneapolis, motorcycle, motorcycle events, night, north, old porn, pints, porn movie, products, pub, red stag, riding season, SAE, sale, speed club, swap meet, UK, uk pub
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March 10, 2010 7:00 am |
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