I checked out last year. I’d had my fill of the internet and instagram chopper thing and ended up taking a filthy black shovelhead from Minnesota down to Mississippi and then back around to Milwaukee in search of more fun. Four or five thousand miles, my mids, pegs, brakes, and bars. I don’t know many mother fuckers going to that extent to put their shit to the test these days but I know beyond a shadow of doubt – My shit goes the extra mile. If you want parts you can count on – get em here. – Speed Club
Tags: brakes, chopper blog, chopper parts, harley, instagram, mids, milwaukee, parts, pegs, shovelhead
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June 5, 2014 11:29 pm |
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Got up early and dragged myself out to the Swap in Anoka. They opened the doors a little early and I slipped in with the old heads. Scored some cheap necessities and I think I found a good local used parts friend in one of the vendors. Picked up a complete midset pegs/ brake pedal set up and a polished open-primary alternator cover for $20 bucks. I even rummaged up a a little chromed front air scoop (Drag style). Maybe it will end up on the shovelhead project but that remains to be seen. It’s still early. If you were on the fence about going… go. Still some good stuff on the tables when I left.

chop swap
Tags: $@0, air scoop, alternator, anoka, blog, brake, cheap, chopper, chopper blog, chrome, cover, doors, drag, drag style, early, exposed primary, fence, found, good stuff, heads, little, local, midset, old, open primary, pegs, polished, project, score, shovelhead, slip, swap, used parts, vendor
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February 6, 2011 11:40 am |
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