Posts tagged: parts

the LackLuster Express

Lackluster has some plans of his own this winter and he’s got all the right parts. You couldn’t pull Jordan away from this thing last night. Gotta love that red tractor paint on the springer. Dig it.

Chopper Shack

The Chopper Shack is open for business. I’ve posted a lot of parts over the holiday and am already shipping orders out. Check out the goodies and email me if you need something specific. Anything from a brake pedal to a motor. I just might have something in my stash.

Thursday Night at the Temple

the Temple on Thursday nights is always a good time. Everyone in good spirits despite the shit MN weather. Lots of really really cool projects and custom fab parts too. The Minnesota scene is taking over.

Garage Pics

I’ve picked up a lot of parts recently and have made a lot of headway on the time machine. I finally stopped to grab the camera and snap some pics for the chopper blog. Just a bunch of random shit. Enjoy.

Bear’s Place – St Paul

Went out on Thursday morn. Stopped over at Bears Place. He’s a good dude. Shovel knowledge bleeding out his ears. He set me up with a handful misc parts including that good ol’ ramjet retainer. Went back to the garage and swapped my 3″ primary for the 1.5″ set up. All is ready for the Iowa trip. More on that shit later.
