Posts tagged: motorcycle events

Speed Club Announcement -the Race is ON!

We’ve received word on a few motorcycle events coming up this summer here in the twin cities. Speed Club is excited to announce that we are working on being a sponsor at a few of them! We’re also hard at work trying to get products in and onto the site as well as having some cheap T-Shirts made up. Check back often for updates on all Minneapolis and St Paul summer time motorcycle madness. We’ll be posting updates to the chopper blog regularly and as soon as we get some products in we’ll kick on the shopping cart. Don’t forget – we’ve got some free stickers left. Email us your mailing address and we’ll toss some into the mailbox for you.
– over and out.

Speed Club Think Tanked

The Speed Club gang met up last night for pints and brain storming. We hit up te Red Stag and Britts for pints. Everything in the RS is tinted red like an old porn movie and Britts is about as UK pub as you can get in the Midwest. Here’s a pic of Rusty and his Grain Belt.

With the new website and the Midwest riding season fast approaching, we needed to make sure we are covering all the local bases. We’re planning on being sponsors for a few Minneapolis motorcycle events and we’re even  considering arranging a smaller group ride way up north into iron country. We’re working on bringing in products to the website for SAE and Metric bikes and with the seasons biggest swap meet coming up this weekend, I’m personally hoping to have some great stuff to toss up in the classifieds section.