These are the folks we met who cruised all the way down to southern Cali from Vancover Canada! You should have seen it. Old Toyota right-side steering 4 cylinder diesel utility truck pulling a little 10ft air streamer that had apparently been struck with a baseball bat one or twice. These people were about the nicest folk we’d met in the entire trip. They’ve even got a little dirt moto scene going on which revolves around XT500’s. They won best unit Triumph with the mind melter pictured in the rear. Dig those freaked out bars.

I hope to see them again some time. Hopefully we can get them to stop out for the Bearded Lady or Full Tilt party!
Tags: 4 cylinder, air streamer, bars, baseball bat, bearded lady, best unit triumph, blog, brothers, cali, canada, chopper, chopper blog, cruised, cylinder diesel, diesel, dirt, folks, freaked, little, mind melter, moto, north, out, southern, southern cali, streamer, toyota, triumph, vancover, vancover canada, xt500
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July 5, 2011 10:33 am |
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Hey all you moto psychos and 2-wheeled freakniks! Gringo and Mickey Swap Meet dates are here. If you havent read it already. Here they are. If you need more info visit for all the details!
January 16 – ST PAUL ARMORY
February 6th – ANOKA ARMORY
February 27th – DULUTH ARMORY
March 13th – ST CLOUD ARMORY
Tags: 13th st, 2 wheeled, armory, blog, chopper, chopper blog, dates, duluth, freak, freakniks, gringo, gringo and mickey's, info, meet, mickey, moto, psycho, psychos, st cloud, swap, swap meet, visit
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October 31, 2010 2:05 pm |
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That’s right. We got some business and pints to tend to out in Bean town. Packin our bags and hoppin’ a plane to spread the midwest moto love. If there’s one thing I can say for sure after living the for so many years it’s this; Boston is such a great place to visit but I wouldnt want to live there. Truth be told, Boz-stone is the home of the biggest bunch of cop pricks I’ve ever encountered. I got stories of being followed, spit on, and stepped on. I got ticketed more times in one year than I’ve ever received in my entire life!
All that said – Take it from a big stinkin’ Irish f*ck like myself. Boston IS the greatest place on earth to get bombed. Any of you Boston readers want to sell me some parts, shoot me an email and we’ll try to connect.
Pics will be posted to the chopper blog.
Tags: bean, bean town, big, big stinkin, biggest, blog, bomb, bombed, boston, boston readers, chopper, chopper blog, ck, cop, cop prick, culture, cycle culture, email, followed, get bombed, going to boston, greatest place on erath, hoppin, irish, irish fuck, life, live, love, midwest, midwest moto psycho, moto, moto love, one, one year, parts, pints, place on earth, prick, pricks, psycho, sell me, shoot, shoot me, some parts, speed club, spit, spit on, stinkin, stinkin irish, stinkin irish fuck, stories, ticketed, town, truth, visit, year
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September 29, 2010 12:18 pm |
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Gringo and Mickeys Dates are In! I dont know about you but I’ve got some sh*t to get rid of and a little money to burn while I’m at it. Check out the Moto Psycho Swap Meets this winter. We will be posting the dates to the chopper events forum here shortly. Speed Club Approved.

Tags: blog, burn, chopper, chopper blog, chopper events, club, events forum, forum, gringo, gringo and mickey, little money to burn, mickey's, money, money to burn, moto, moto psycho, psycho, rid of, shit, short, speed, speed club, swap meet, winter
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September 23, 2010 7:00 am |
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Made our way back into MN through 70 in WI. Hooked up with 65 headed south into Minneapolis. Had the Yammy pegged coming down the highway when I heard a tiny “pop.” Instantly lost power, no throttle response. Couldn’t down shift. I actually thought my throttle cable snapped or something. Turns out she was a little too lean to be running WOT for that long. Locked it up solid and slid to a halt. I ended CHOPOUT parked on the side of the highway with a soft seize and a truck on the way. Definitely a bummer seeing as how I was only another 30 minutes from completing the ride but hey, it’s an xs650. Built cheap to ride straight into the ground. RL got a pick of me sitting roadside like a punk, waitin’ for my ride. I guess I have something to do this winter. If anyone has a spare XS motor sitting around, hit me up. I’m in the market. ~ check back with the midwest chopper blog this winter for more moto love.

Tags: 30 minutes, blog, built, bummer, cheap, chopout, chopper, chopper blog, guess, highway, little too lean, lost power, love, markte, midwest, midwest chopper, minneapolis, moto, moto love, pop, power, punk, ride, side of the highway, slid, throttle cable, throttle response, tiny, too lean, truck, winter, wot, xs motor, xs650, yammy
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September 20, 2010 1:04 pm |
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