Reinhart says I suck at posting stuff. He’s probably right. Screw it. I’m just busy right now man. Its summer. Im on the bike, camping, partying or working. That’s it. I’ll have time for typing when the snow falls again. In the mean time, visit my motorcycle classifieds. Put it to use. Its free and we get enough visitors that it should definitely be worth the effort. Dig it.

Tags: bike, blog, camp, camping, chopper, dig it, effort, man, mean time, motorcycle, motorcycle classifieds, party, partying, reinhart, screw, snow, summer, typing, visitors, work
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August 23, 2011 6:00 am |
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Been a few days since I posted anything. Busy working on some video stuff from the Full Tilt marathon weekend. Will have more up soon. In the mean time, here’s a pic of some dudes bike from Full Tilt. Gator pointed it out to me. Looks like a perfect cross between both Petes and Zacs choppers. Really really weird. Someone was apparently taking notes for some time?

Tags: blog, busy working, chopper, chopper blog, cross, dude, few days, full tilt, gator, love child, marathon, marathon weekend, mean time, pete, post, stuff, weird, zac
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July 27, 2011 10:16 pm |
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