I always wanted to make a gen mounted magneto. Never for a fancy “show motor”… just for fun.
I made a cone mounted magneto a few months earlier which really gave me an understanding of some of the basics. I noticed that everyone this year was getting really turned on to the Wico design but when I researched it myself I realized 2 things that I WAS NOT down with. First, you need to alter the inside of the case byP= machining the idler gear boss casting and ultimately removing it. This edit to the case is just silly and shortsighted. Second, the price tag for the kit is $2k!!! I’m a normal person with a normal job who makes regular pay with 2 kids and a wife at home. $2k just ain’t happening. The other option is the Morris H5 which is super rad but again, at $1600, unfortunately I’ll have to pass.
I looked at the inside of my case and the gears and I looked at how the old Harley XR magnetos operated. They were gear driven. Well wouldn’t you know… the Morris design is gear driven too! I bought a shitty FM-XD mag from ebay and butted it up to the gen hole. Surprise, it’s a very close fit! Not perfect but close. More important, the FMXD has an impulse winding just like the H5.

After reviewing the case, the mag and the gears I had a good overview of the project.
1. A collar is required to mount the mag to the case.
2. The magneto needs to spin in reverse.
3. The impulse winding needs to be reversed.
4. A gear set is needed to adapt the idler gear to the magneto.
5. The magneto must spin at exact 1:1 ration with the cam.
6. A fresh FM-XD magneto must be converted to a dual fire coil.
More to come on this in my next blog post.
Tags: big twin, born free 8, bornfreeshow, chopper blog, harley xr, instagram, magneto, peoples champ, pinhead, shovelhead, show class magazine, show motor
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February 12, 2016 9:53 am |
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Here are a couple pics of where we’ve started. We’re using a 51 panhead right side case and an 82 alternator shovelhead left case. The magneto is a cheap $20 Fairbanks Morse XD from the late 70’s. I made the adapter collar and internal gear set here in the shop.
We are doing a lot here to get the motor to the next level. A generator shovelhead alone is a pretty rad motor but if we’re building a competition level bike, it’s just nowhere near enough. Polished cases, heads, carbs, cam cover, and chrome on everything else. We’re also dual-carbing the heads to run a pair of Mikuni VM36’s. The original distributor hole will be filled and machined smooth to give that area of the case an extra level of detail. We’re rebuilding the motor from the flywheels, up just to make sure the insides match the details given to the outsides. The mag was a crazy amount of work but she’s all set to go. The head work will be a little bit of machining and a whole lot of tig welding.
Both I and Charlie are taking a lot of chances with this bike. The machine work I’m doing is more than I’ve ever accomplished in the past. The frame work that Dorius has banged out was all about mashing together all the best of the different era frames. We’re pushing the limits of our skills and we’re trying to remain fearless as we steadily approach disaster. We just hope folks at home and at Born Free Show can understand and appreciate that, sink or swim – we’re trying to really give folks something interesting to look at.
Give myself (@speed_club) and Dorius (@charliedorius) a follow to see more. Thanks!
Tags: born free show, bornfree, cam cover, cases, charlie dories, chopper blog, crazy, dual carb, fairbanks morse, folks, generator shovelhead, machining, magneto, mikuni, panhead, poeples champ, polished cases, shovel head, show class magazine, vm36, xd
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January 29, 2016 5:33 pm |
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So I guess a blog isn’t totally dead cause here I am!
Charlie and I are taking part in the Peoples Champ competition this year and we’re really stepping up a lot of what we’ve done in the past. We’re both pushing our skill levels cause lets face it, we’re fucking amateurs! We’re dividing the project between motor and frame and then collaborating on everything else. Dorius is creating a Bullneck, wishbone narrow swingarm frame. And I’m building a gen/alt pan shovel with dual carbs and a generator mounted magneto. Here’s a pic of the first mock up after a round of dress up last night. I’m going to post more pics on how I’m making my own generator mounted magneto and Dorius will be slowly unveiling more of the frame details, tins, stance, etc. Give myself (@speed_club) and Dorius (@charliedorius) a follow. Thanks!

Tags: born free, born free show, brian durk, charlie dorius, chopper blog, generator, instagram, magneto, minnesota chopper, panhead, shovelhead, show class magzine, swingarm frame
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January 19, 2016 2:42 pm |
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Ever notice how the internet gives us pages of pics of bikes at shows or bikes being built or shots of bikes on a staged background? It’s gotta make you wonder… either nobody breaks down or there’s too much show and tell instead of hammering on some miles. Yeah sure, I get it – exercise in creativity, process, developing skills, craftsmanship – blah blah blah. On the other hand, If you’re not riding, you’re blowing it.
1980 Shovelhead. Titled in my name. Brand new top end rebuild including pistons, cylinders and rings. Rockers and valves we’re cleaned up and brought back to spec. New AB cam and tappets. Tin inner/outer primary on the drive side covering a primo 1.5″ primary drive. Everything is built in an old jammer frame. I’ve put about 3k miles on it since finishing the motor work. Joe Hunt mag with early cast style mag body. 70’s CCW girder. New Avons front and rear (16 and 19). Chrome has about 2 seasons on it. I’ve ridden this bike all the way to hell and back. Starts and runs like a top. This bike has been really really good to me and it’ll be real good to anyone else looking to get into a big twin. Bring cash and ride it home. I’m not willing to part out so don’t ask. $7k takes it ($6500 without the mag). If interested, email me – info@speedclubinc.com
Tags: 16, 19, avon tires, blog, ccw girder, chopper, chrome, for sale, joe hunt, magneto, minneapolis, minnesota, mothership, pistons, shovelhead, st paul, top end
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September 3, 2014 8:40 am |
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