Found this today on the Born Loser site. I already emailed the dude. Hopefully i hear back from him soon. I gotta get this thing home to MN. I would definitely ditch what Im building now and toss it all into this frame. This Ness set up is a real treasure to behold.
Tags: born loser, chopper, chopper blog, digger, ditch, dude, emailed, frame, home, loser, mike davis, MN, ness set up
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February 22, 2012 12:53 pm |
Comments Off on Courtesy of Mike Davis
I am not going to this. I wish I was. I know people who are. I’ve never been to AZ. Looks like fun. Again… I am not going. Someone please kick my ass. If you are going, please have a blast and mail me something like a picture of you having tacos or riding in the warm sunshine so I can have a reminder of how much of a god damned loser I am for flaking out. Much love to LOVE. Dig it.

Tags: chopper blog, god, loser, love cycles, mail, minnesota, much love, reminder, tacos, warm sunshine
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January 31, 2012 5:09 pm |
Comments (1)
Big thanks to Mike Davis over at Born Loser. Mike has been helping me out now for the past couple weeks by posting some of my parts on the Born Loser site. Ive received a lot of visits to the product page and have even sold a few things here and there. Mike is one of the founding fathers of the infamous Born Free show. Planning a show of that size takes a lot of effort so the fact that he’s still willing to do me a solid really means a lot. Thanks again Mike. I recommend everyone hit up his site and support this guy. He’s good shit.

Tags: born free, born loser, chopper blog, chopper parts, couple weeks, fathers, founding, founding fathers, good shit, help, loser, mike davis, products, sold, support
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November 29, 2011 9:57 am |
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