Killing time waiting for the fellas to show up. Got a nice little pic of Satan’s Chariot (a.k.a “Beelzebub’s Vibrator”). Nothing but an iPhone camera and my motion sensor light from the garage. It was seriously looking like some kind of magazine spread shit or something. Rode out last night for a while. Cold as ever. Stopped by the Temple to catch up with folks. Looks like a lot of new stuff is coming out of that shop next year. Minnesota is where it’s at. Dig it. Support your local chopper blog. Visit our booth at Sundays Viking Swap on the Fairgrounds.

Tags: beelzebub, blog, camera, chariot, chopper, chopper blog, fairgrounds, fellas, garage, iphone, killing time, last night, light, little pic, local, magazine, minnesota, motion sensor light, new stuff, rode out, satan, sensor, spread, the temple, vibrator, viking swap
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September 16, 2011 10:16 am |
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This is the first year for FT and its proving to be epic. In your final days as you lay there gasping for breath on the side of the highway you are going to start thinking about the things you missed out on in life. Some kid on a bicycle runs over to your dying body. You open one eye barely whisper… “full tilt.” Support your local chopper blogs. Be there.

Tags: bare, bicycle, blog, chopper, chopper blog, cycle, epic, full tilt, gasp, highway, huge, kid, local, whisper
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July 13, 2011 11:31 am |
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Got up early and dragged myself out to the Swap in Anoka. They opened the doors a little early and I slipped in with the old heads. Scored some cheap necessities and I think I found a good local used parts friend in one of the vendors. Picked up a complete midset pegs/ brake pedal set up and a polished open-primary alternator cover for $20 bucks. I even rummaged up a a little chromed front air scoop (Drag style). Maybe it will end up on the shovelhead project but that remains to be seen. It’s still early. If you were on the fence about going… go. Still some good stuff on the tables when I left.

chop swap
Tags: $@0, air scoop, alternator, anoka, blog, brake, cheap, chopper, chopper blog, chrome, cover, doors, drag, drag style, early, exposed primary, fence, found, good stuff, heads, little, local, midset, old, open primary, pegs, polished, project, score, shovelhead, slip, swap, used parts, vendor
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February 6, 2011 11:40 am |
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Live and in person – Catch us today at the Bearded Lady Motorcycle Freak Show! 331 Club – Minneapolis. Get there early, stay late. Meet the Speed Club gang and support your local Midwest Moto Culture. Absence will be considered inexcusable. Check back for more pics and video as we post them to the chopper blog.

Tags: 331 club, 331 club minneapolis, absence, bearded lady, blog, catch, catch us, chopper, chopper blog, club, culture, freak, freak show, gang, in person, live, live and in person, local, midwest, minneapolis, more, moto, moto culture, motorcycle, motorcycle freak show, pics, show, speed, speed club, speed club gang, video
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July 24, 2010 7:00 am |
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Goods are in the Mail. That’s right gang. If you’re still waiting on your chopper parts, please be patient. We’ve just made another trip down to the post office with trike loads of shirts and other goodies. All you UK folks, please be extra patient. It takes a while to cross the pond. See everyone on Saturday. Show some love – say hello to your local chopper blog and pick up a speed club shirt at the show.

Tags: blog, chopper, chopper blog, cross, down, folks, gang. chopper parts, goodies, goods, in the mail, load, local, love, mail, office, parts, pond, post, saturday, shirts, show some love, speed club, stuff, trike, trip, UK
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July 22, 2010 7:00 am |
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